Today we had WEIRD day!! Since last week was crazy day, most of the people didn't dress up :(..sad case right? NOT SPORTING !!! Anyways, weird day started out with pre-service prayer and weird food!! well probably weird it was green...we had mcd fries as food :O There were some scary people for example, Nikki!!
See how scared Darren was O.o??
It was EPIC TIME~~~~ Andrew and Amanda (battle of the As.)both had to be dressed up as weirdly as possible by all the guys and girls and boy did the people have a great time..I bet they didn't HAHA. There was all kinds of furry scarfs..and LOADs of makeup on their faces..

At the end, UFO was the judges and picked Andrew as the winner and he won...a....RM50 TOP SHOP VOUCHER!!!! ( I so wanted that T.T )...and he also got a bottle of sprite..Amanda won a "Anything can drink" BUT..listen here..IF she picked the number before the number she actually picked on the screen...SHE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN THE DIGI CAM!!! So sad right??? Next week they are going to put TWO choices of the digi cam in the screen so there will be twice the chance of winning it!! Plus there are even more prizes to be won..such as a nike bag..reloads and more :O
Today for Actstream, the UFO band played led by David! They sang Jump Around,Take It All,After You and The Rescue. They did such an awesome job that I felt like I was at a real concert!!
Then after that, Bunbun came up for announcements! Remember that Revolution Conference KL is just around the corner during the school holidays ( 21-23 Aug ) If you haven't signed up yet, it's only RM20 at our very own Acts Church! food is provided and you get a latest edition button badge(entry pass) and there are 4 designs to choose from
Joneil then came up to do tithes and offerings and he challenged all the people there to put ALL their money that was in the wallets into the offering bag and I know one who did =) and I bet there are more. Prandy then came up to speak and todays message was entitled...
God is real to me ( I was blind but now I see )
He took his message based on John 9. Few of the points he said was..God didn't say he had the way to eternal life or he knew he had the way to eternal life but he WAS the way to eternal life. God is real because he can be experienced. Our life is a set-up for God to show-up and show-off to others. God's way isn't our way and everything always starts with one simple word. Lastly, faith without action is DEAD. If you wanna know more and really this message was the BOMB. Go to our home website and download the message =)
After message, we had one last song by the UFO band and we gathered into our huddles..Next week 7 teens are going down to Kuantan for the Revo Tour ! So please do keep them in prayer =)
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