TGIF Party was held at Joshua Chu's house. Even though the rain was pouring, soon it stopped and the party was able to be held !!

Meet the chefs of the day, Darren and Alvin Keng :O! This is what I call service with a smile =)

The emcees for the day were, Cheryl Soh and Brian Ong!! See the difference...hahah

Then it was epic time!! The task was to cook the best maggi goreng ever :O..The intensity of chopping and frying was like woooo.! The winners got Starbucks vouchers T.T

Then Philip came up to give a short message talking about his past childhood, when he reached adolescence and so on :O.

Then there was a dance off for fun! It started out with Joneil vs Dylan then names were being called out by random haha. Some people started doing chicken dance out of retardation. XD

Meet the chefs of the day, Darren and Alvin Keng :O! This is what I call service with a smile =)

The emcees for the day were, Cheryl Soh and Brian Ong!! See the difference...hahah
Then there was a performance by the home coordinators, starring the TARIAN AYAM!

Then it was epic time!! The task was to cook the best maggi goreng ever :O..The intensity of chopping and frying was like woooo.! The winners got Starbucks vouchers T.T

Then Philip came up to give a short message talking about his past childhood, when he reached adolescence and so on :O.
It was time for the birthday people to celebrate!! Amanda Tan , Alvin, Ben, Joben, Justina
Then there was a closing act by a group of people - Joneil, Justina, Damien, Jason, Matt Lai who sang..a song..which now the title is not appearing in my mind.

Then there was a dance off for fun! It started out with Joneil vs Dylan then names were being called out by random haha. Some people started doing chicken dance out of retardation. XD
Then alot of people started taking photos..candid photos to be exact ^^
:D Guess who?
After everything was done, people went back, all the kakaks and abangs started washing up :P HAHAHA Thanks lah to all of you there who sat down and washed all the dishes, pots and pans and everything for hours. Thank you guys!! hahaha