by Pastor Sandra
Hey all. Last Saturday was an exciting time at Teenacity! We started our new series on ‘Devotion’ and we had Pastor Sandra to kick things off. She shared on prayer and how we can communicate with God.
Sometimes, when we are asked to pray, our reaction might be “Oh no, why me?” But praying is not that hard. Praying just basically means ‘talking to and with God’. It’s just like talking to a best friend: you share secrets, you talk and respond to each other, you tell each other everything, etc. Make God a personal God. Respond and talk to him like a friend.
When you pray, speak in your own way. Use whatever language and style you are comfortable with. Don’t worry. God will still understand you. Best part is, you can talk to him anytime and anywhere – he’ll still listen. However, it would be good to set aside a specific time every day for your personal devotion so that we can give God our full attention and not be distracted by the things around us.
Not sure what to do during your personal devotion? Well, Pastor Sandra gave us a very simple way to remember – A.C.T.S.
by Pastor Sandra
Hey all. Last Saturday was an exciting time at Teenacity! We started our new series on ‘Devotion’ and we had Pastor Sandra to kick things off. She shared on prayer and how we can communicate with God.
Sometimes, when we are asked to pray, our reaction might be “Oh no, why me?” But praying is not that hard. Praying just basically means ‘talking to and with God’. It’s just like talking to a best friend: you share secrets, you talk and respond to each other, you tell each other everything, etc. Make God a personal God. Respond and talk to him like a friend.
When you pray, speak in your own way. Use whatever language and style you are comfortable with. Don’t worry. God will still understand you. Best part is, you can talk to him anytime and anywhere – he’ll still listen. However, it would be good to set aside a specific time every day for your personal devotion so that we can give God our full attention and not be distracted by the things around us.
Not sure what to do during your personal devotion? Well, Pastor Sandra gave us a very simple way to remember – A.C.T.S.
- A = Adoration – remember that the focus is on God, so adore and worship him. You can sing worship songs or read a chapter of the Psalms.
- C = Confession – the Bible says in 1 John 1:9 that if we confess all that we’ve done, God is faithful and just to forgive us.
- T = Thanksgiving – thank God for what you have (and what you don’t have). You can even thank him for creating the birds and all that you see around you.
- S = Supplication – bring your prayer needs/request to God and have faith that he will answer your prayers according to his time and will.
Well, prayer is not a one-way communication. God also responds to us and he speaks to us during our personal devotion through the Bible. So take time to wait and listen, cos he will speak in a still, small voice.

31 August 1957 was decided as the date for independence. When the British flag was lowered in Kuala Lumpur on independence day, Abdul Rahman led the crowd in announcing "Merdeka!". Photographs of Abdul Rahman raising his hand, and recordings of his emotional but determined voice leading the cheers, have become familiar icons of Malaysian independence.
For his contributions and sacrifices in bringing the country from colonialism to independence, Tunku Abdul Rahman is known as the Father of Independence. He became the first prime minister of the Federation of Malaya from 1957 to1963, and of Malaysia from 1963 to 1970.
Click here to read more about Tunku Abdul Rahman

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