WARNING WARNING! alot of pictures! therefore, I made them small! =)

bun buns (baanu) were served today =) !

not so frenly host ? hahaha

random joneil :D

chairman gone wild? hahaha!

Army of three came to perform today!!!

Find the Army of Three wannabe inside =)

Teenacity hit 60 people today !! BELIEVE IT :O we're moving out soon yeay!

Epic had a screamo contest today and we had yi wei,cassandra from the girls and yong pin and Jian Chong from the guys

yi wei screaming it out
pincredible strutting his stuff :P
and the BOMB, Jian Chong
he won speakers weih!! SPEAKERS!
Yong Pin won a nike bag and it ain't fake I tell you!
Cassandra won a RM50 TopShop Voucher
Yi Wei won a bottle of sprite
Today's prizes were just WOW!! first time so many great prizes were won! Then we had Actstream led by Wee Liem! Tithes and Offerings by Justina..and also the first ever teenacity video by Acts TV acted out by Darren and Chan Tong in their school uniform !! (school spirit wei!) and the video was filmed at their SCHOOL!! and then the message by...
Few pointers from her message, let God interrupt your life =)..If God hasn't made a miracle happen in your life yet, pray for it! When we pray, God leads. All of us should be different in God and not in the world. Most importantly, deepen your relationship with God and ask your self, " are you pleasing God? " The message was a really powerful message, many people went out to the altar and were prayed for. After everything, we had a nice dinner and had huddle max =)
P.s. remember that next week we do not have Teenacity!! ( say aww )
but also remember that there is revolution conference from Thursday - Saturday ( 21 - 23 Aug ) at Acts Church. on Thursday it's a night concert (starts at 8pm) while Friday and Saturday are two full days of pure FUNN! So remember if you haven't paid up, tomorrow is the closing date ( sunday ) it's only RM20 and you'll get a limited revolution badge which is the entrance pass ! so don't lose it!!

TN2 Puchong Homes!!!

Ok, cut the story short. Pr Andy, Brian and Christon were the 3 that didn't come for Homes. Pr Andy is away in Revo Kuantan, Brian is sick and Christon were supposed to come but had no transport at the last minute. So that leave us with 10 people - Jay, Shaun, Cheryl, Gyllen, Lyam, Tya, Robin, Charissa, Petra and Syameer.

We started with the ice-breakers first. We played "Pin the Donkey's Tail", done by Charissa. She drew a donkey on an art block, without the tail, and we're suppose to pin it on when we're blindfolded and been turned many rounds by the gamemaster. So basically, the one that pinned nearest to the tail wins, and that is Syameer!!! *applause applause*

Then we had praise and worship, led by Shaun. Jay was playing the guitar. There were 3 "backup singers" - Charissa, Petra and Cheryl. We sang King of Majesty and Shine. Communion was then done by Cheryl.

After that, we went straight to the word! Jay was sharing and different ones voiced out and shared their testimony, how God came through to their life and stuff like that. Then we had our supper! We had glass noodle, Thai style, super spicy, with lots of chilli padi, prepared by Robin. Robin's mom is a Thai, for your information. The noodle is superb! Probably the best I've eaten in my whole life...

After clearing and cleaning up, the "fun" starts. Brian will normally be responsible to fetch Gyllen, Lyam, Tya, Robin and Syameer. But since he's not here, the teens have no transport home, and Jay is the only one that can drive us. So, Jay fetched Charissa and Petra back first on the first round, because they stay near where our Homes is. Then on the second round, everyone squeezed in the car. Cheryl and Tya sat in front, while the 5 guys - Shaun, Syameer, Gyllen, Lyam and Robin sat at the back. Robin was sitting on Shaun's lap and Syameer was sitting on Gyllen's lap.

It's like a madhouse, in this case, madcar in the car. It was so noisy, until Jay said:"Okay okay quiet, let's call Pastor Andy." The loudspeaker was on, then Pr Andy picked up. He's sleeping/giong to sleep so he sounded very blur. All of us took turn to say hi to him, as well as our name. Example : Hi, I'm Cheryl. Basically the the conference haven't start yet, it will start later today.

Forgot to mention, we actually left our Homes at 11pm. Cools right? =D Looking forward for the next Homes! Homes Outing! Woooohooooo!!!!

What's a blender ? - Mun Cheng

Homes TN1 next top model, Mun Hsing!

this was a candid by the way x.x..yes, we all sat on a huge comforter so our bottoms would be comfy :D

Today we had a very special guest, SCHAEFER PONYTAN!!! As Joel and Joben are in Kuantan now, the people who came were, yong pin,yong jin,mun cheng,mun teng,mun hsing,audrey,tracy and schaefer! technically there were only 3 non-cheahs.

Todays game master was Audrey,me!! so the game goes like this. a cup containing 5 numbers in it is passed around and when I say "stop" the person who has the cup takes out a number and I pass to them the specific paper having that number.

Schaefer got " show the weirdest face you can to the camera "


Mun Cheng got, " propose to Schaefer" Sadly :( she didn't. sad right???

Yong Pin won 5 bucks O.o..( my money okay TT )

Mun Teng on the other hand, got the " spell MISSISSIPI with your butt " there's a video!!!

Worship was led by YONG PIN!!!!! and Audrey on the piano we sang All the Way and Bigger!

Message was then done by Mun Teng!! A recap of Pastor Andy's message, Truth vs Real

Then communion was done by Schaefer !!

It was then food time!!!

Tracy's mum made home made shang hai moon cake IT WAS GOOD!!

Schaefer's hunger :O...

Yong Jin posing with a blender why? Lemme tell you a short story =D
Earlier during the message, Schaefer got annoyed by Yong Jin

Schaefer: I throw you into the blender then you know!!
Mun Cheng : what's a blender =x ?

Mun Hsing + Aud :O

schaefer and his two new daughters awww. JOKING =D
Schaefy sent me and Tracy home soon after that :D

Army Of Three & Pushing For 60 !

Hey para remaja of Teenacity ! Just a quick update here on what's going on in Teenacity this week !

1. HOMES™ is on this Friday! ! Get connected to your nearest HOMES™ now ! To know your nearest location of HOMES™, click here !

2. This Saturday @ Teenacity !

Army of Three is invading Teenacity !

... and ...

The Screamo Contest is ON !

It's ANOTHER 3-in-1 BOMB that is gonna happen in Teenacity this Saturday ! Army Of Three, The Screamo Contest, and The Word Of God by Pastor Sandra Chin, Worship Pastor of The Acts Church as she preach out her groovy way ! Get ready with lots of 55°c of drinking water to expand your throat and be the Screamo Champion this week @ Teenacity !

3. Since Teenacity is so exciting this week, BRING YOUR FRIENDS ! TELL THEM WHAT'S GOING ON AT TEENACITY !!

We are targetting THE-60-MARK OF SOULS THIS WEEK ! If we hit the 60 mark this week, we will be moving out from The Crib to the Main Sanctuary !! Sounds awesome ?! BRING YOUR FRIENDS AND READY TO SCREAM FOR THIS WEEK !!!!!!!

PS : Watch out this Saturday as ACTS TV is going to do something BIG ! Stay tuned !

weirdo day =)!

Today we had WEIRD day!! Since last week was crazy day, most of the people didn't dress up :(..sad case right? NOT SPORTING !!! Anyways, weird day started out with pre-service prayer and weird food!! well probably weird it was green...we had mcd fries as food :O There were some scary people for example,

See how scared Darren was O.o??
It was EPIC TIME~~~~ Andrew and Amanda (battle of the As.)both had to be dressed up as weirdly as possible by all the guys and girls and boy did the people have a great time..I bet they didn't HAHA. There was all kinds of furry scarfs..and LOADs of makeup on their faces..

the video is around 1 gig so it took few hours and still failed to upload..sorry


At the end, UFO was the judges and picked Andrew as the winner and he won...a....RM50 TOP SHOP VOUCHER!!!! ( I so wanted that T.T )...and he also got a bottle of sprite..Amanda won a "Anything can drink" BUT..listen here..IF she picked the number before the number she actually picked on the screen...SHE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN THE DIGI CAM!!! So sad right??? Next week they are going to put TWO choices of the digi cam in the screen so there will be twice the chance of winning it!! Plus there are even more prizes to be won..such as a nike bag..reloads and more :O

Today for Actstream, the UFO band played led by David! They sang Jump Around,Take It All,After You and The Rescue. They did such an awesome job that I felt like I was at a real concert!!

Then after that, Bunbun came up for announcements! Remember that Revolution Conference KL is just around the corner during the school holidays ( 21-23 Aug ) If you haven't signed up yet, it's only RM20 at our very own Acts Church! food is provided and you get a latest edition button badge(entry pass) and there are 4 designs to choose from

Joneil then came up to do tithes and offerings and he challenged all the people there to put ALL their money that was in the wallets into the offering bag and I know one who did =) and I bet there are more. Prandy then came up to speak and todays message was entitled...

God is real to me ( I was blind but now I see )

He took his message based on John 9. Few of the points he said was..God didn't say he had the way to eternal life or he knew he had the way to eternal life but he WAS the way to eternal life. God is real because he can be experienced. Our life is a set-up for God to show-up and show-off to others. God's way isn't our way and everything always starts with one simple word. Lastly, faith without action is DEAD. If you wanna know more and really this message was the BOMB. Go to our home website and download the message =)

After message, we had one last song by the UFO band and we gathered into our huddles..Next week 7 teens are going down to Kuantan for the Revo Tour ! So please do keep them in prayer =)

Shout Out

Wanna be a part of this? Email us:

ACTS Teens is the happenin' Teens Ministry of ACTS Church

Senior Pastor: Rev. Kenneth Chin

Youth Pastor: Pr. Andy Yeoh

Mailing Address: 34B, Jalan SS15/8, 47500 Subang Jaya

Phone: 03-5637 8737
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