It was a blast for TN4! The attendance was 7 girls : Wendy, Wer nie , Baanu , Justina, Kylie , Rebecca and Su Anne; 2 guys: Philip and Kenji. In total 9 monkeys. It was fun , great, exciting and we've learn alott about going against the flow! 1st the Home started off with FOOD. woohooo. We had 2 pizzas one with meat another one without meat for our dinner and it tasted superb delicious=D thanks Philip for ordering! While eating we were 'za-ing' each other, interacting with each other till the clock struck 8.30. We stopped eating and went on with games. And soo Kenji was our Game Master. And the game went something like he will give us a character and we will have to act it out and let the rest of the people guess what is the characters you're acting as. (pictures will be outt soon:) The characters were : Spider Man and Mary Jane*?* , Incredible, Little mermaid , KungFu Panda , Scheafer , Cicak Man and Justinaaa==. Thanks Kenji for the awesome game.
After playing and laughing, we went on onto the 'serious' moment which is Praise and Worship! Baanu was our worship leader.She led us with One Way and Beautiful Saviour. Well it was quite fun, for your info we didnt have any music instrument like at all! haha. Not even guitar=D. But obviously, God still deserve our praise and worship. And it wasnt not that bad after all. Altho we were singing in all different tune. HAHA.
After the 'serious' moment, there came the 'disciple' moment. And Wow! i didnt really know that Philip can preach that well=D We learned about going against the flow. Well, during the discussion time, quite a number of us voiced out. And we also get to learn from each other and get to know each other better. It was good to hear from the different ones voicing out.
After the talking, it was around 10.30. We did our communion. And haahaha, Philip forgot about it again until his wonderful asst Justinaaa reminded him=p For the communion we had a superb big piece of bread and a superb small cup of ribena. After the communion, we decided to take some groups photos and we did. (pictures coming out soon). After all the fun and excitement, we have to go back to our own homes and Philip sent Kylie , Kenji , Rebecca and me home. Cant deny but he has beeen a great Home Mentor=D. Thanks Again Bang Bang. Thanks to Baanu also with everything she had done altho she is a superb busy woman. Thanks to the teens that have attended Homes(: HOPE TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!
Note: Pictures will be out soon.STAY TUNE!
After playing and laughing, we went on onto the 'serious' moment which is Praise and Worship! Baanu was our worship leader.She led us with One Way and Beautiful Saviour. Well it was quite fun, for your info we didnt have any music instrument like at all! haha. Not even guitar=D. But obviously, God still deserve our praise and worship. And it wasnt not that bad after all. Altho we were singing in all different tune. HAHA.
After the 'serious' moment, there came the 'disciple' moment. And Wow! i didnt really know that Philip can preach that well=D We learned about going against the flow. Well, during the discussion time, quite a number of us voiced out. And we also get to learn from each other and get to know each other better. It was good to hear from the different ones voicing out.
After the talking, it was around 10.30. We did our communion. And haahaha, Philip forgot about it again until his wonderful asst Justinaaa reminded him=p For the communion we had a superb big piece of bread and a superb small cup of ribena. After the communion, we decided to take some groups photos and we did. (pictures coming out soon). After all the fun and excitement, we have to go back to our own homes and Philip sent Kylie , Kenji , Rebecca and me home. Cant deny but he has beeen a great Home Mentor=D. Thanks Again Bang Bang. Thanks to Baanu also with everything she had done altho she is a superb busy woman. Thanks to the teens that have attended Homes(: HOPE TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!
Note: Pictures will be out soon.STAY TUNE!
Teenacity started as usual with Actspresso done by The Ling sisters ! which was cut up baguettes dipped into mushroom soup..:) It was mushylicious! and then it was..EPIC TIMEEEEEEEE

Who wants to save the sofa?? That was the game has the same concept as "who wants to be a millionaire" So..we were divided into four groups ..and we had to "save" the sofa from being thrown out..there were 5 questions to be answered one per group and for every question answered, one item from the sofa could be saved

But first, we heard two heartbreaking stories from the one and only JJ! Which was Jeremy and Justina!!.They told of the wonderful memoirs that they had with the the sofa kept them comforted in their time of need...Quoted by Jeremy
" when I first came to Teenacity..I didn't look at the guys..I didn't look at the girls..but I fell in love with the sofa "
1) one pillow
2) the second pillow
3) sofa frame
4) sofa cushion
were the "parts" of the sofa to be saved. Every group answered correctly until the LAST question!! Which we got it wrong..and we lost the sofa cushion!!! Oh noo!!! but wait, there's the BONUS question..where one person from the crowd (wendy) had to answer the main quesion..and it was..
Who wrote 2 Corinthians? and she answered correctly = PAUL!!
But here's the catch, she could either save the sofa cushion..or get to have 6 draws out of the lucky draw table..and she chose the 6 draws!! What's going to happen to the cushion?? She won
-a RM10 digi reload
-milo packet
-johnsons baby shower gel
-and two more which I forgot

Then we had Actstream led by Philip !! We sang Forever,All The Way and Found in You!!! Then we had Tithes and Offerings and Audrey came up and gave her testimony which was about how God blessed her when she heard Alvin's testimony last week ( refer to last weeks post ) and she too did the same and gave her RM50 and not her RM1 that was left in her wallet and she was not blessed once by God but thrice throughout the week!!
Who wants to save the sofa?? That was the game has the same concept as "who wants to be a millionaire" So..we were divided into four groups ..and we had to "save" the sofa from being thrown out..there were 5 questions to be answered one per group and for every question answered, one item from the sofa could be saved
But first, we heard two heartbreaking stories from the one and only JJ! Which was Jeremy and Justina!!.They told of the wonderful memoirs that they had with the the sofa kept them comforted in their time of need...Quoted by Jeremy
" when I first came to Teenacity..I didn't look at the guys..I didn't look at the girls..but I fell in love with the sofa "
1) one pillow
2) the second pillow
3) sofa frame
4) sofa cushion
were the "parts" of the sofa to be saved. Every group answered correctly until the LAST question!! Which we got it wrong..and we lost the sofa cushion!!! Oh noo!!! but wait, there's the BONUS question..where one person from the crowd (wendy) had to answer the main quesion..and it was..
Who wrote 2 Corinthians? and she answered correctly = PAUL!!
But here's the catch, she could either save the sofa cushion..or get to have 6 draws out of the lucky draw table..and she chose the 6 draws!! What's going to happen to the cushion?? She won
-a RM10 digi reload
-milo packet
-johnsons baby shower gel
-and two more which I forgot
Then we had Actstream led by Philip !! We sang Forever,All The Way and Found in You!!! Then we had Tithes and Offerings and Audrey came up and gave her testimony which was about how God blessed her when she heard Alvin's testimony last week ( refer to last weeks post ) and she too did the same and gave her RM50 and not her RM1 that was left in her wallet and she was not blessed once by God but thrice throughout the week!!
Then,Pastor Matt 0' Sullivan came up to preach the message!! I'll cut his message short by saying..Each and everyone of us are masterpieces made by God and we're a beautiful work of art! We are not average because we are WAY better than average!! Lastly, three very important things to help you build something that can last is
-go to God
-listen to God
-obey God
Then after his message ended, we had huddle lite and soon went home..Remember next week is
SPREAD THE RED !! Day and EVERYONE must wear as much red on yourself as possible..Red underwear if you have to ! The person with the most red on his/herself will win a prize!! So lets all be RED :O
TN2's Homes was pretty fun last night. First we had ice-breakers which was led by Brian. We're divided into 4 groups, with 3 people each, and we're provided A4 papers. We're required to build the tallest "tower" using only the paper within 10 minutes. Pastor Andy, Christon and Cheryl's group won! (Sorry I forgot bout the height)
After that was Praise and Worship! Jay was the worship leader while Pastor Andy played the guitar. We sang Bigger and I Could Sing of Your Love Forever. Then... Message and Discussion Time! Pr Andy shared bout the messages that were preached in camp, and everyone voiced out during discussion time, which make us know each other better! =)
Jay led us in communion. We had fried meehoon for supper! Prepared by Charissa and Petra. It was really yummy.. Thanks girls. =D And as usual, there was lots of story-telling going on, it seems like everyone has a story to tell... But it was all good. Haha...
After the clean ups and stuff, we went down to the playground (our Homes is located at a condo) while waiting for Brian's dad to pick the teens up. This was when PUCHONG GONE WILD. Robin started playing with the "monkey bars", he used his legs to hang the bar, FREEHAND, and let himself face downwards. Even Tya imitated him, but she used her both hands and legs. Later on, Gyllen and Robin went to the swing, they swing really high, and jump down from it. Some of them stood on the seesaw, others running around. The poor miserable leaders just sat on the seesaw and watch them performing their crazy stunts, not until some heads were out of the window/balcony up there. A woman that's staying up at the 3rd floor, asked us to keep quiet, and that really works. We were less noisier, but the teens continue doing their stunts.
Everything ends when Brian's dad came. The leaders were VERY relieved that it's finally over. But I'm sure that the teens had lots and lots of fun. =D
Last but not least,
After that was Praise and Worship! Jay was the worship leader while Pastor Andy played the guitar. We sang Bigger and I Could Sing of Your Love Forever. Then... Message and Discussion Time! Pr Andy shared bout the messages that were preached in camp, and everyone voiced out during discussion time, which make us know each other better! =)
Jay led us in communion. We had fried meehoon for supper! Prepared by Charissa and Petra. It was really yummy.. Thanks girls. =D And as usual, there was lots of story-telling going on, it seems like everyone has a story to tell... But it was all good. Haha...
After the clean ups and stuff, we went down to the playground (our Homes is located at a condo) while waiting for Brian's dad to pick the teens up. This was when PUCHONG GONE WILD. Robin started playing with the "monkey bars", he used his legs to hang the bar, FREEHAND, and let himself face downwards. Even Tya imitated him, but she used her both hands and legs. Later on, Gyllen and Robin went to the swing, they swing really high, and jump down from it. Some of them stood on the seesaw, others running around. The poor miserable leaders just sat on the seesaw and watch them performing their crazy stunts, not until some heads were out of the window/balcony up there. A woman that's staying up at the 3rd floor, asked us to keep quiet, and that really works. We were less noisier, but the teens continue doing their stunts.
Everything ends when Brian's dad came. The leaders were VERY relieved that it's finally over. But I'm sure that the teens had lots and lots of fun. =D
Last but not least,
Yeah I know, you guys are jealous. Hah! PUCHONG ROCKS!
Yeah I know, you guys are jealous. Hah! PUCHONG ROCKS!
Here's a quick report on what happened at...TN1 (ss14) at Mun Teng's house !! First we had our games done by the really really evil...

Joben!!! :D He passed to us each a sheet of a4 paper..with instructions written on it..he just asked us to read it and do whatever it said..and who finishes it first wins..and this is how it goes
1) Draw 100 circles
2) Hit 3 people and say "I love you"
3) What is 3 + 8 x 11 + 208 / 4 ?
4) Go to the game master and sing twinkle twinkle little star
5) Hop around 20 times
6) Shake the host's mother's hand
7) What is 4 x 8 ?
8) How many animals did Moses bring into the ark?
9) Who sang how to touch a girl ?
10) Draw a slach on each of the circles.
11) Give everybody here a high five
12) Write down atleast 3 verses that talks about offering
13) Ask the game master for something.
14) what is 80 x 6 + 10?
15) Please do only numbers 4,6,8, 11 and 20. ( this was when we fainted )
16) What is the name of Adam and Eve's grandchildren.
17) Ask for 3 peoples signature
18) Draw 50 triangles
19) Draw 60 hearts
20) How old is Mun Teng?
Well we all went 'ARGHHHH' once we read number 15.. Funniest thing was..Yong Jin didn't understand number 15 and continued doing it till he finished!!! Then we had praise and worship led by MUN TENG! Audrey on the piano and Yong Pin on the drums :) She sang God is Great and So Much More!
After the praise and worship, we had the message done by Joel which was a short recap of the messages we heard in camp about Revolution..and then we all thought of one thing that we HAVEN'T done before..and put ourselves to a test to try and do it..And I tell you..Mun Hsing is SO adorable..the moment she read a part of a scripture..her voice made us all go "awww"..both Mun Hsing and Mun Cheng are the same!!! Can you imagine how Mun Teng was when she was their age o.o?
After that we had communion also done by Joel..The ribena was fresh from the...Petrol station :O..( we bought the ready made one ^^ ) Then after that we had refreshments !

nuggets and putumayam with coconut and brown sugar :O..and tam tam snacks ! Then before we headed home we took a final group picture !!

Mun Teng,Su Ann,Joben,Yong Pin,Joel,Yong Jin,Mun Hsing,Audrey,Mun Cheng and Tracy!
Joben!!! :D He passed to us each a sheet of a4 paper..with instructions written on it..he just asked us to read it and do whatever it said..and who finishes it first wins..and this is how it goes
1) Draw 100 circles
2) Hit 3 people and say "I love you"
3) What is 3 + 8 x 11 + 208 / 4 ?
4) Go to the game master and sing twinkle twinkle little star
5) Hop around 20 times
6) Shake the host's mother's hand
7) What is 4 x 8 ?
8) How many animals did Moses bring into the ark?
9) Who sang how to touch a girl ?
10) Draw a slach on each of the circles.
11) Give everybody here a high five
12) Write down atleast 3 verses that talks about offering
13) Ask the game master for something.
14) what is 80 x 6 + 10?
15) Please do only numbers 4,6,8, 11 and 20. ( this was when we fainted )
16) What is the name of Adam and Eve's grandchildren.
17) Ask for 3 peoples signature
18) Draw 50 triangles
19) Draw 60 hearts
20) How old is Mun Teng?
Well we all went 'ARGHHHH' once we read number 15.. Funniest thing was..Yong Jin didn't understand number 15 and continued doing it till he finished!!! Then we had praise and worship led by MUN TENG! Audrey on the piano and Yong Pin on the drums :) She sang God is Great and So Much More!
After the praise and worship, we had the message done by Joel which was a short recap of the messages we heard in camp about Revolution..and then we all thought of one thing that we HAVEN'T done before..and put ourselves to a test to try and do it..And I tell you..Mun Hsing is SO adorable..the moment she read a part of a scripture..her voice made us all go "awww"..both Mun Hsing and Mun Cheng are the same!!! Can you imagine how Mun Teng was when she was their age o.o?
After that we had communion also done by Joel..The ribena was fresh from the...Petrol station :O..( we bought the ready made one ^^ ) Then after that we had refreshments !
nuggets and putumayam with coconut and brown sugar :O..and tam tam snacks ! Then before we headed home we took a final group picture !!
Mun Teng,Su Ann,Joben,Yong Pin,Joel,Yong Jin,Mun Hsing,Audrey,Mun Cheng and Tracy!
Hey guys... Guess what ?
HOMES™ is ON ! This FRIDAY June 13 @ 8pm !
No wild guess, you should have knew this earlier ! xD
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HOMES™ is ON ! This FRIDAY June 13 @ 8pm !
No wild guess, you should have knew this earlier ! xD
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