Hello ACTS Teens ! Please be aware that we are sorry to inform that....
This blog (http://teenacity.theactschurch.org/blog) is going to be SHUT DOWN VERY SOON !
WHY ?? Watch out for more UPDATES... ;)
This blog (http://teenacity.theactschurch.org/blog) is going to be SHUT DOWN VERY SOON !
WHY ?? Watch out for more UPDATES... ;)
by Amanda Ooi
It was sisters night and the guys opened our car door when our car pulled in front of Eunice's house.
The guys served us all with green food including the green rice, green vegetable and green curry chicken. Some brothers were carrying servettes around, some constantly asking whether we need our drinks refilled. =D
Brian, chairperson of the day.
Then, we had worship and it was led by Wee Liem and his choir.
Soon it's the time for the word! It was shared by Jay Yeoh and she shared about Love and Worship.
After the word, the brothers came up with a special performance which included Matthew Lai wearing a dress and the sisters really enjoyed it, laughters all the way! Wee Liem and his choir team came up with a song and they sang it to us, too. The brothers didn't let us go back empty handed! They gave us a door gift which is a bracelet. And sisters day ended well..Not to forget, we had 4 newcomers :Yun Ru, Krystal, Rachel and Jane.
27th February will be Brothers Night, so brothers, dress well, because we have a great night in stored for you!
P.S. Pictures will be up soon. This blogger don't wanna eat my pictures!! :P
I shall blog differently this time , no pictures! =(
On behalf of Tn4 girls, i just wanna say THANK YOU for making the Homes happening! Well they have been a blessing me but i guess to the girls in my Homes as well ya? Although there were not much of decors but their heart is there. I can see that they have put in their effort into it although is a last minute preparation cause i was there, i saw it with my own eyes! :) I blogged differently this week is because on behalf of tn4 girls we really wanna take this opportunity to announce to the whole world how great our manly TN4 brothers are! They might look like some joker in the outward appearance but in the inside they are gentle yet macho? Yeah something like that. We girls enjoyed ourselves last Friday. Seriously. Especially when every each one of us sat on the "blessing" chair where Philip's dog used to sleep, and the special versus, packet of green sweets and words of encouragement you guys had prepare for us. And even wanna give applause to Alex-Auyong for this wonderful invitation card and bookmark he has specially made for us :-

On behalf of Tn4 girls, i just wanna say THANK YOU for making the Homes happening! Well they have been a blessing me but i guess to the girls in my Homes as well ya? Although there were not much of decors but their heart is there. I can see that they have put in their effort into it although is a last minute preparation cause i was there, i saw it with my own eyes! :) I blogged differently this week is because on behalf of tn4 girls we really wanna take this opportunity to announce to the whole world how great our manly TN4 brothers are! They might look like some joker in the outward appearance but in the inside they are gentle yet macho? Yeah something like that. We girls enjoyed ourselves last Friday. Seriously. Especially when every each one of us sat on the "blessing" chair where Philip's dog used to sleep, and the special versus, packet of green sweets and words of encouragement you guys had prepare for us. And even wanna give applause to Alex-Auyong for this wonderful invitation card and bookmark he has specially made for us :-

Brothers Day is around the corner! Hopefully you guys will feel appreciated on Brothers Day!
Cheerios. :)
Cheerios. :)