Okay fine, 9 days after new year..It's still Jan :D Can be counted lahs

We had super yummy egg potato salad with sprinkled bacon over it made by Amanda Tan alongside some original and spicy chicken from KFC

Today's PC/Chairgirl was Audrey. Damien conducted the Funky Hairdo contest with help from Mun Cheng.

Candidate number 1, Yong Pin

After Actstream led by Chan Tong with Mun Teng on the piano we had Alvin Keng talk about " JUST BELIEVE ".

Joanne was the only one who styled her hair! And it was electric blue!! She brought her friend Siaw Fern along too :)
The NEW YEAR is Here!
Resolution #6: Bring a new friend to each Home Party !
Spread to word to your friends and invite them.. Better still, simply copy and paste the link below to your blogs and friendster page!
Celebrate the New Year @ TEENACITY HOME PARTIES</B></FONT>
<a href="http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w117/teenacity/TcityHomePartyJan09-Poster-eFlyer-S.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w117/teenacity/TcityHomePartyJan09-Poster-eFlyer-S.jpg" border="0" alt="January Homes!"></a>
Do join us this January for 2 Celebrative Friday Nights @ our Teenacity Home Parties! Check out the flyer above for details.
Come and celebrate the New Year and the Chinese New Year! We just love for you to be there with us! Sharing is caring, so don't leave us alone with all those YUMMY FOOD!
Drop us an email at teenacity@theactschurch.org or call us at 03-5636 2147 if you have any enquiries or let us know if you need transport! We'll do our best to get you there!
This is how the E-flyer will look like

Celebrate the New Year @ TEENACITY HOME PARTIES
Do join us this January for 2 Celebrative Friday Nights @ our Teenacity Home Parties! Check out the flyer above for details.
Come and celebrate the New Year and the Chinese New Year! We just love for you to be there with us! Sharing is caring, so don't leave us alone with all those YUMMY FOOD!
Drop us an email at teenacity@theactschurch.org or call us at 03-5636 2147 if you have any enquiries or let us know if you need transport! We'll do our best to get you there!