"The Making Of A Disciple" Series :: #1 The Launch
0 Comments Published by Mun Teng on April 17, 2007 at 11:18 PM.
We had another awesome service at Teenacity last Saturday! Joneil was the man of the Crib that day, chairing the service while Philip and the band blasted our ears with a session of Praise & Worship.
Next up, Ps Andy launched "The Making Of A Disciple" series, beginning with Part 1! Series #1 is entitled The Launch. Before stepping into the Word, Ps Andy reminded us about our mission and vision in Teenacity.
Next up, Ps Andy launched "The Making Of A Disciple" series, beginning with Part 1! Series #1 is entitled The Launch. Before stepping into the Word, Ps Andy reminded us about our mission and vision in Teenacity.
To Reach The World Of Teens And The World Through Teens By Making Disciples That Make A Difference.
Teenacity Mission Statement
In Matthew 28:19, Jesus' last command to His disciples before ascending back to Heaven is to make disciples of all the nations. Thus, His last command should be made our first priority. Here in Teenacity, we put focus on DISCIPLES FIRST. Teenacity wants to make disciples who make a difference.
A Christian is not necessarily a Disciple; but a Disciple is always a Christian.
What is a disciple, then? The Greek word for disciple is Mathetes, which means a learner, a pupil, a follower. So, being a disciple of Christ means being a learner and follower of Christ. Being a disciple requires discipline as well. This is simply because:
Disciple = Pupil + Discipline
As we go through the process of discipleship (a process of becoming a complete and competent pupil or follower of Christ), our lifestyles and values would shift to be more like Christ. Disciples think, act and live like Jesus. So, here's a word of suggestion to you readers.
When you face a difficult situation, think this: What Would Jesus Do? (W.W.J.D.?)
Now, let's officially launch: #1 The Launch
Story line: Luke 5:1 - 11
>> Luke 5:3
Jesus got onto Simon's boat and taught the multitudes from there. Simon's boat was his life as he uses the boat to catch and earn a living. Just as Jesus did that on Simon long ago, Jesus wants to use YOU now to reach out to our world.
>> Luke 5:4
Jesus told Simon, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." To launch means to propel, to set going, to initiate. Many times we are afraid to launch because launching brings us out of our comfort zone. We feel that there is a certain degree of uncertainty when we launch. Deep.
Whether you noticed or not, since the day you were born you are already risking your life on something. When you choose path A and forsake path B, you are taking a risk.
This goes the same for Jesus. There are only two choices: Jesus is right and everything else is wrong, or vice versa.
>>Luke 5:10
Jesus called four fishermen to be His disciples. And Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men." The bolded phrase means that what used to be is no more. Things will change from that point of time onwards. Life is so much more than studies, career, money, etc.
Surrounding you are lives, people you know, people you are related to. Are you making a change in their lives?
Will you want to make a difference in their lives?
Guess what, that's only Part 1! Want to know more interesting facts of life? JOIN US AT TEENACITY THIS SATURDAY! See YOU there!