games started out with a little pop quiz and...

mun cheng won a lil hand puppet for getting all the correct answers for the past quiz!! yay mun cheng!!

Then there was a DDR match!! ( dance dance revolution ) Did you know the ps2 belongs to Edwin and one of the mats belong to Siau Ying :O?? Anyways, the girls won!!! it was 3 girls vs 3 guys in 3 rounds =D GIRLS WON ALL *bwahahahaha*

the song all of the contestants had to dance to, picked by Philip.."i like to move it"

:O look at the score board~~
Then Audrey won 3 prizes for getting the highest score..she got..
a durian =.=''
a toilet brush =.=''''
and a packet of mini maggi mee :D (yay)
Then it was actstream time! joben led us in a wonderful time of praise and worship and he sang never stop,set me free and...another song which name escapes me. Then Shaun was the chairman!! and Amanda did tithes and offerings and after that Joben told his testimony about how God gave him a very good deal at nike :) how he bought a pair of shoes only finding that he could get another for FREE =C on the last day of the promotion you know!
Then it was time for the WORD OF GODDDD by our one and only

Philip Gan bang bang!
his message was about PASSION.
-passion doesn't matter on the person next to you
-passion doesn't depend on feelings
-passion is not what you say you have, it's what others say about you
-passion doesn't make excuses
-passion is not dependent on payment
-passion keeps you focused on it
-passion is contagious ;O
-passion is giving your everything !!
Then after the message, we had one last praise song and soon got into their huddles :)
next week, it's a new month, IT'S AWWW....GUST!
and next week we'll be having a C-RAAAAZAAY DAY ;)!
so, wear the craziest clothes you can imagine, be the mad person for the day, and you might WIN SOMETHING CRAZILY AWESOME!

mun cheng won a lil hand puppet for getting all the correct answers for the past quiz!! yay mun cheng!!

Then there was a DDR match!! ( dance dance revolution ) Did you know the ps2 belongs to Edwin and one of the mats belong to Siau Ying :O?? Anyways, the girls won!!! it was 3 girls vs 3 guys in 3 rounds =D GIRLS WON ALL *bwahahahaha*

the song all of the contestants had to dance to, picked by Philip.."i like to move it"

:O look at the score board~~
Then Audrey won 3 prizes for getting the highest score..she got..
a durian =.=''
a toilet brush =.=''''
and a packet of mini maggi mee :D (yay)
Then it was actstream time! joben led us in a wonderful time of praise and worship and he sang never stop,set me free and...another song which name escapes me. Then Shaun was the chairman!! and Amanda did tithes and offerings and after that Joben told his testimony about how God gave him a very good deal at nike :) how he bought a pair of shoes only finding that he could get another for FREE =C on the last day of the promotion you know!
Then it was time for the WORD OF GODDDD by our one and only

Philip Gan bang bang!
his message was about PASSION.
-passion doesn't matter on the person next to you
-passion doesn't depend on feelings
-passion is not what you say you have, it's what others say about you
-passion doesn't make excuses
-passion is not dependent on payment
-passion keeps you focused on it
-passion is contagious ;O
-passion is giving your everything !!
Then after the message, we had one last praise song and soon got into their huddles :)
next week, it's a new month, IT'S AWWW....GUST!
and next week we'll be having a C-RAAAAZAAY DAY ;)!
so, wear the craziest clothes you can imagine, be the mad person for the day, and you might WIN SOMETHING CRAZILY AWESOME!
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