Jay was the chairwoman for the day :) After watching the ActsTV video done by Pastor Andy and Jason, we had tithes and offerings followed by a testimony by...

Kuan Cheen!!
Yeah, he had a testimony on how through a car crash he was able to invite someone to church, and that someone came to church and brought a friend! and the following he brought another friend!

Pastor Sandra spoke about Maturity today.
- We should constantly hunger for more and more of God
- We must be able to let go of ourselves
- We need to allow others who are more mature spiritually to guide us
After the message, we had Huddle Max!!

We had fried rice with fried egg on top :D
OILY but yummy =).

The revolutionistas who sat on the floor instead of chairs
WOO go Pink :D
Homes Party on again this coming Friday (October 24th)
Remember to contact your homes leaders for transportation!!
Teenacity's Dance Crew Debut in HD
0 Comments Published by teenacity on October 14, 2008 at 2:35 PM.
Teenacity Dance Crew Debut in HD (Hualaueh! Definition)
Here’s the report for TN2+TN3 Homes. Well, we started out with food which consists of Hokkien mee, fried rice and lemon PORK (specially for Pr. Andy). Dessert was carrot cheese cake, if I haven’t mistaken. Drinks were prepared by Rekha.
After a fulfilling meal of dinner, we had EPIC time: Battle of the Sexes Version!!! The game master, Bryan gave both groups a list of things that we were supposed to collect. We had to find various things such as 5 slippers, 3 leaves, 2 flowers, ACTS Church minizine, Teenacity badge, peanut butter and the weirdest……a DOG. Rekha’s house had a silky terrier, I think. But the girls got it already, so we had to think of something else. Suddenly, something struck Joshua’s eyes…….a Dog patung. So we just used it.
In the end, the guys won and we got……Chupa Chups!!!!!
Next, we had Jay led us in a time of Praise since we sang Bigger only. And then Pastor Andy shared about the topic….WORSHIP!! Then we sang More of You making it time of Worship.
After that, we celebrated Adrian’s birthday which was on 2nd October. We had I-have-no-clue-what-is-it cake. But it taste awesomely GOOD!!! Later on, we discussed about the upcoming Christmas Community Project which will be done through Homes.
Then, everyone started to leave the house at I-don’t-know-what-time.
Lastly, thanks to Rekha for opening up her house. And to those who helped in the preparations.
Well, for those who missed this week’s Homes, don’t worry, we’re going have another one in 2 weeks. This time, you better not miss out.
After a fulfilling meal of dinner, we had EPIC time: Battle of the Sexes Version!!! The game master, Bryan gave both groups a list of things that we were supposed to collect. We had to find various things such as 5 slippers, 3 leaves, 2 flowers, ACTS Church minizine, Teenacity badge, peanut butter and the weirdest……a DOG. Rekha’s house had a silky terrier, I think. But the girls got it already, so we had to think of something else. Suddenly, something struck Joshua’s eyes…….a Dog patung. So we just used it.
In the end, the guys won and we got……Chupa Chups!!!!!
Next, we had Jay led us in a time of Praise since we sang Bigger only. And then Pastor Andy shared about the topic….WORSHIP!! Then we sang More of You making it time of Worship.
After that, we celebrated Adrian’s birthday which was on 2nd October. We had I-have-no-clue-what-is-it cake. But it taste awesomely GOOD!!! Later on, we discussed about the upcoming Christmas Community Project which will be done through Homes.
Then, everyone started to leave the house at I-don’t-know-what-time.
Lastly, thanks to Rekha for opening up her house. And to those who helped in the preparations.
Well, for those who missed this week’s Homes, don’t worry, we’re going have another one in 2 weeks. This time, you better not miss out.