Actstream was led by Joel Vijay as we sang Free,Bigger and In Awe :) After the awesome time of praise and worship,

D.D.J.H (Dr.Deacon Jill Ho) was our chairwoman! After the announcements, it was time for birthdays!! and it's DDJH's birthday on the 17th of October!! wooooo!
After tithes and offerings, there was an awesome testimony by Eunice Lim about how she got through her super hard accountancy major exams and she passed !

Then it was time for the message by Pastor Alex!
-Genesis 1:2-3, Matt 5:14-15, Eph 5:10-11
a)Light brings order
b)Light is attraction and influence
c)Light is separation
d)Light is confidence
e)Light exposes
After that there was a last praise song and it was Huddle Lite! Remember next week is
HUDDLE MAX so remember to tell your parents you're not going to have dinner :).
P.s. all the best to PMR-ers and FINAL EXAM-ers :)

D.D.J.H (Dr.Deacon Jill Ho) was our chairwoman! After the announcements, it was time for birthdays!! and it's DDJH's birthday on the 17th of October!! wooooo!
After tithes and offerings, there was an awesome testimony by Eunice Lim about how she got through her super hard accountancy major exams and she passed !

Then it was time for the message by Pastor Alex!
-Genesis 1:2-3, Matt 5:14-15, Eph 5:10-11
a)Light brings order
b)Light is attraction and influence
c)Light is separation
d)Light is confidence
e)Light exposes
After that there was a last praise song and it was Huddle Lite! Remember next week is
HUDDLE MAX so remember to tell your parents you're not going to have dinner :).
P.s. all the best to PMR-ers and FINAL EXAM-ers :)

Lets see what happened today, hmmm. Alrite we officially started our Homes at 9 and thats like one hour late due to terrible traffic and rained heavily=(. First we had foooooood:D Prepared by Shereen , Sandy and Baanu's mom. Drinks were done by Kylie. I just want to say a big THANK YOU to you guys. Food was yummy drinks were tasty. We enjoyed ourselves at the time of fellowship, get to know each one better.=)
Then around 9.30 we started our EPIC games! Done by the woman Baanu. We were given a list of stuffsss and we are suppose to compile as many as we can with the time given , 5 minutes. And group 2 won!!(thats my group!=D). It was a close one cause group 2 has one extra item!And the winners got chuppachups!
After EPIC time was followed by the word of God which is spoke by DEACON DOCTOR JILL HO! She is powderful larh. We talked about worship about how Abraham willing to sacrifice his son Isaac. Then Philip led us in the time of just worship God we sang Jesus Lover Of My Soul and Follow After. After worshiping we celebrated October babes birthdays which are Deacon Doctor Jill Ho , Joy Lee , Philip and a new comer Vivian. And the unique thing is we had ice-cream instead of cake! woooooooot! Told cha we ROCK;)
Final lap, we had FOOOOOOD again! Another lap of fellowship then clean up. Left around like 11.30. Thanks Baanu and Priya for opening up their house! Thanks and appreciate it!
New Comers :: Vivian and Venuga
So called new comers (adult leaders) :: Uncle Vidy , Sandy!

Thanks for joining us and for the ones that drove us there and sent us back! Appreciate it!
Lets see what happened today, hmmm. Alrite we officially started our Homes at 9 and thats like one hour late due to terrible traffic and rained heavily=(. First we had foooooood:D Prepared by Shereen , Sandy and Baanu's mom. Drinks were done by Kylie. I just want to say a big THANK YOU to you guys. Food was yummy drinks were tasty. We enjoyed ourselves at the time of fellowship, get to know each one better.=)
Then around 9.30 we started our EPIC games! Done by the woman Baanu. We were given a list of stuffsss and we are suppose to compile as many as we can with the time given , 5 minutes. And group 2 won!!(thats my group!=D). It was a close one cause group 2 has one extra item!And the winners got chuppachups!
After EPIC time was followed by the word of God which is spoke by DEACON DOCTOR JILL HO! She is powderful larh. We talked about worship about how Abraham willing to sacrifice his son Isaac. Then Philip led us in the time of just worship God we sang Jesus Lover Of My Soul and Follow After. After worshiping we celebrated October babes birthdays which are Deacon Doctor Jill Ho , Joy Lee , Philip and a new comer Vivian. And the unique thing is we had ice-cream instead of cake! woooooooot! Told cha we ROCK;)
Final lap, we had FOOOOOOD again! Another lap of fellowship then clean up. Left around like 11.30. Thanks Baanu and Priya for opening up their house! Thanks and appreciate it!
New Comers :: Vivian and Venuga
So called new comers (adult leaders) :: Uncle Vidy , Sandy!
Thanks for joining us and for the ones that drove us there and sent us back! Appreciate it!

presenting the TN1 + TN5 homes! Isn't it awesome the whole picture is like full :D?
The day started out with of course, FOOD

We had Bak Kut Teh!!! Awesome right? which of you homes had that :D?
Joben also made some super awesome mee and fettucini :)
After having loads of food, Epic started!
We had to find..(let's see if I can remember this)
-3 shoelaces
-2 watches
-four 5 sen coins
-a goldfish
-a bible
-a packet of tissue
-3cm long leg hair =.=
-5 slippers
-2 waterbottles
-Teenacity badgeJoel shared :)
I think..that's it? Hahaha. The prize was LOLLIPOPS.
After that, it was Praise and Worship! Joben led us as we sang Found In You and Follow After :)..and then Joel shared!

We did a recap on the message Pastor Alex spoke about..WORSHIP
After the message we had the birthday celebration to YONG JIN!

It was a super awesome cheese cake! We ate really fattishly and we soon cleaned up the mess :)..

OH yeah, we had a new comer from Jamaica! :D
We then had our little activities such as..

Bollywood dancing?

Modelling competition? Who can be like the girl on the cordial bottle :D
You vote! :)
This Friday (10th Oct) Homes™ Parties !
0 Comments Published by Chan Tong on October 09, 2008 at 6:27 PM.
Hey everyone !
If you guys are not informed yet... HOMES™ is ON this Friday !!
This time, it will be at various locations that's :-
Don't know where are their residence? Contact your HOME Leaders now !
Our this week's HOME Parties Main Course will be 大炒!!! Plus EPIC is ON during HOME Parties too ! So you don't want to miss it, ya know ;)
If you guys are not informed yet... HOMES™ is ON this Friday !!
This time, it will be at various locations that's :-
TN1 (SS14) & TN5 (Kota Kemuning) – @ the Cheah’s residence, SS14!
TN2 (Puchong) & TN3 (USJ12) – @ Rekha’s residence, USJ 18!
TN4 (TTDI) – Home Party @ Baanu’s residence, Damansara!
Don't know where are their residence? Contact your HOME Leaders now !
Our this week's HOME Parties Main Course will be 大炒!!! Plus EPIC is ON during HOME Parties too ! So you don't want to miss it, ya know ;)
Transport Problem ?! :- FREE Transport to our HOME Parties !! Contact with your Home Leaders today or if you are new, do not hesistate to just SMS your info and address to Schaefer @ 012-6370568 and he will get back to you real soon !See you guys this Friday ! ^__^
Note :- Please contact for your transport by THURSDAY on the following week so that we can make earlier arrangements for you !
Hey boys and girls !

This week at our Saturday Evening Service [powered by us Teenacity], our very own Young Working Adults Pastor of ACTS Church will be the speaker for this week !
Yups that is Pastor Alex Tan ! Remember to bring your notebooks and pen, and get ready to stand in awe with God's word !
See you guys this Saturday ! ^__^

This week at our Saturday Evening Service [powered by us Teenacity], our very own Young Working Adults Pastor of ACTS Church will be the speaker for this week !
Yups that is Pastor Alex Tan ! Remember to bring your notebooks and pen, and get ready to stand in awe with God's word !
Transport Problem ?! :- FREE Transport to our Saturday Evening Service ! Contact with your Huddle Leaders today or if you are new, do not hesistate to just SMS your info and address to Schaefer @ 012-6370568 and he will get back to you real soon !
Note :- Please contact for your transport by THURSDAY on the following week so that we can make earlier arrangements for you !
See you guys this Saturday ! ^__^