Teenacity started with the usual pre service prayer at 4.45pm :D and then EPIC started!

Shaun: baaaaaaa
The game was about facing your fears and hopefully not swallowing the innocent little fishies. The game was, you were supposed to transport a fishy that's ALIVE from one bowl into another..using your MOUTH! Yes you're supposed to open your mouth, put a fish in it (only using your mouth,no hands) and spit it out at the other bowl and DO NOT swallow the fish at all costs @@..

The first pony in the world who attempted to put a fish in his mouth and succeeded :D
YAY PONISH! ( pony + fish = ponish )

the sad sad fish who had a traumatizing experience =C
imagine what they had to go through!! going in a humans mouth *gah*
some started swimming upside down after the experience..( seriously )
some very brave people who actually did it !

the bravest was LEE INKKIE :D who put in a 30 point fish in her mouth..the tail was sticking out of her mouth you know!! but thanks to her!! GIRLS BEAT THE GUYS * hwa hwa hwa *
Then, it was praise and worship :)! led by Philip we sang In Awe,Never Stop,Salvation is Here =D! After that, the wonderful bun bun ( baanu ) came up to chair and she was AWESOME..we wished Jared a big big HAPPY BDAY!!! and wern nie came up to do tithes and offering :)

It was then time for Pastor Andy to speak !! The message was about how faith is NOT afraid of fear! he took his scripture from Acts 3:1-10 about the lame man that got healed. Some of the important points that he said was, that one of the biggest hurdle in life = fear but actually fear = nothing! What we really need in life isn't loose change but a LASTING change which is Jesus Christ our Lord :) What we normally go through in life is
1)fear of rejection
2)fear of failure
3)fear of inadequacy
but we shouldn't be afraid of any of those..because we have Jesus to help us through any situation big or small =) So after the message, we had HUDDLE MAX!!! YEAH YEAH YEAH wooooooooo * runs in circles *

we had dinner which was provided :) either kuay teow or mee ;)

Can't you see their happy faces eating the food :D..??
Then we all WENT HOME YAY :D

p.s. did you ever see a pink eyed fly before? NOW U HAVE :D

Shaun: baaaaaaa
The game was about facing your fears and hopefully not swallowing the innocent little fishies. The game was, you were supposed to transport a fishy that's ALIVE from one bowl into another..using your MOUTH! Yes you're supposed to open your mouth, put a fish in it (only using your mouth,no hands) and spit it out at the other bowl and DO NOT swallow the fish at all costs @@..

The first pony in the world who attempted to put a fish in his mouth and succeeded :D
YAY PONISH! ( pony + fish = ponish )

the sad sad fish who had a traumatizing experience =C
imagine what they had to go through!! going in a humans mouth *gah*
some started swimming upside down after the experience..( seriously )
some very brave people who actually did it !

the bravest was LEE INKKIE :D who put in a 30 point fish in her mouth..the tail was sticking out of her mouth you know!! but thanks to her!! GIRLS BEAT THE GUYS * hwa hwa hwa *
Then, it was praise and worship :)! led by Philip we sang In Awe,Never Stop,Salvation is Here =D! After that, the wonderful bun bun ( baanu ) came up to chair and she was AWESOME..we wished Jared a big big HAPPY BDAY!!! and wern nie came up to do tithes and offering :)

It was then time for Pastor Andy to speak !! The message was about how faith is NOT afraid of fear! he took his scripture from Acts 3:1-10 about the lame man that got healed. Some of the important points that he said was, that one of the biggest hurdle in life = fear but actually fear = nothing! What we really need in life isn't loose change but a LASTING change which is Jesus Christ our Lord :) What we normally go through in life is
1)fear of rejection
2)fear of failure
3)fear of inadequacy
but we shouldn't be afraid of any of those..because we have Jesus to help us through any situation big or small =) So after the message, we had HUDDLE MAX!!! YEAH YEAH YEAH wooooooooo * runs in circles *

we had dinner which was provided :) either kuay teow or mee ;)

Can't you see their happy faces eating the food :D..??
Then we all WENT HOME YAY :D

p.s. did you ever see a pink eyed fly before? NOW U HAVE :D
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