Last day of camp came sadly, and then we had breakfast and there were a few performances during breakfast from their angels to their bazooka dance, chicken dance, singing songs or something. And a wonderful angel gave this to Joben
T.T I feel so sad. Hahaha and guess what I caught on tape? Syameer calling Joneil daddy. its kinda not clear..but make do :p and he called Baanu mummy too :) wow a happy family x)
Then we packed our bags and brought them to the hall and then it was our last session..done by Pastor Andy .. Then we had our final lunch which was rice and mutton and veggie :). And after lunch it was finally the....PRIZE GIVING CEREMONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1st prize - My Equation!!
2nd prize - The Hunters
3rd prize - Reactivated
Then there was a "prize" for those who designed a t-shirt since the competition was cancelled. Audrey designed one and Lyam Phang,Gyllen and Robin designed one altogether. They were ordered to close their eyes for 30 seconds and at the end of that 30 seconds, they were fired with wonderful water guns but in the end they got a RM20 voucher for starbucks! Sadly Lyam,Gyllen and Robin has to share it among themselves.
Then it was the photography session!!
gone wrong =.=
Sorry I don't have the whole group of people wo went to camp..My phone isn't so clear..Nevermind, order the PhotoCD's once they're out ! So we then boarded the bus home and reached around 730pm. We really had THE GREATEST TIME EVER!
Day 2 started with morning exercises by..Darren -.-''
"there was one worm *sticks index finger out * and it jumped and bent *moves finger about* and then it found another worm! *3rd finger does it together too*and it continued..I almost died with laughter" and then we continued with group devotion. After that we had our wonderful breakfast upstairs, this is the normal time where all the angels start bringing food and drinks to their mortals or some wonderful mortals use their angels by shouting
Then it was Session 2!! Pastor Kenneth spoke a really great message taken from 1 Samuel 17, the very known David and Goliath story. Revolutions start with using your senses to hear,see and ask questions. Then, it continues with challenges along the way from the people close to you, people in authority and the devil. Then it's how we respond to all these by building your own story and do it in the name of the LORD! If you all want to know more about this, download the message at our very own website.
After that we had our WATER WAR!!! All 6 teams, My Equation,Noitulover,Caspian,Revolicious,The Hunters and Reactivated had their own bases and each had a "life" hanging around their neck..Then the war started by shooting and shooting with a very limited water supply. At the end of the group war, then the "hostage" which was Darren was brought to the park and one representative from each group had to try and "save" him by fighting against the "terrorists"

Sadly, 25 million points to the team that saves the hostage was GONE. Why? The hostage was shot by the people who tried to save him. Hahaha sad case. only Robin tried to save him by hugging Darren to protect his life * wow drama indeed :O * Then after washing up, we had our wonderful Dinner and the next Session!!..
This time, Pastor Andy spoke about "How BAD do you want it ? " If we are sick and tired of this world, then there's the cause to start a REVOLUTION. A revolution has to start with our own hearts before we can impact others. Live by exploits and NOT excuses. Three things that we need to do if we want to change is, rise, take up a cause and walk. We should be living our lives to see things change and not just remain stagnent. After the message, we had our very own..SHOW DOWN!!!!!!!!!
There were 3 fake judges in front to fool us all into thinking they were the judges which was Darren,Siau Ying and Philip. Darren's still very good at insulting mind you =) Don't take it to heart ! While the real judges were Pastor Andy,Mun Teng and Joel Vijay!
All 6 sketches were really wonderful and lots of creativity was put in it..In every sketch, each group were required to say a few things which were, " sumo,grandma,penguin,revolution" and to do a short dance. There were many " save the penguins concept " Then the winners of the Show down was..REACTIVATED!!! Best actress was JUSTINA or was it justin :P? Best actor was the one and only grandma Chan Tong! they both were really superb..
Other of my favourite parts was when Joben( a penguin ) got a matrix shot and "died" with a "chichichichichi" sound and splashed a cup of syrup on his shirt to make "blood"..I laughed till my sides split. Brian was really good at saying.."The penguins"and just because I like saying it, "the penguins..." and of course the irresistable adorable Mun Cheng who went " Sumo don't fight sumo =C * cute smile * " it made us all go "Awwwwww" and the wonderful 90 degree grandma - Joneil and Chan Tong's really really crazy grandma dance!! hahaha
There were many more memorable clips...sweet memories :) Then it was free time for everyone..quite some people started playing "monkey" in the hall..and a really extra-audrey-nary thing happened. I can't believe I'm even saying this..As we were playing monkey, I was the monkey and the ball happened to be in Joben's reach so I rushed to get the ball, banging into Joben and he flew back and actually rolled -.- read it again. HE flew back and rolled not me -.- It was so hilarious to the others -.- I feel sad. Hahaha Anyways, after having our wonderful maggi mee cups we slept at a very early 2-3 am :)
P.s. great job to the Publicity Team headed by Chan Tong
"there was one worm *sticks index finger out * and it jumped and bent *moves finger about* and then it found another worm! *3rd finger does it together too*and it continued..I almost died with laughter" and then we continued with group devotion. After that we had our wonderful breakfast upstairs, this is the normal time where all the angels start bringing food and drinks to their mortals or some wonderful mortals use their angels by shouting
Then it was Session 2!! Pastor Kenneth spoke a really great message taken from 1 Samuel 17, the very known David and Goliath story. Revolutions start with using your senses to hear,see and ask questions. Then, it continues with challenges along the way from the people close to you, people in authority and the devil. Then it's how we respond to all these by building your own story and do it in the name of the LORD! If you all want to know more about this, download the message at our very own website.
After that we had our WATER WAR!!! All 6 teams, My Equation,Noitulover,Caspian,Revolicious,The Hunters and Reactivated had their own bases and each had a "life" hanging around their neck..Then the war started by shooting and shooting with a very limited water supply. At the end of the group war, then the "hostage" which was Darren was brought to the park and one representative from each group had to try and "save" him by fighting against the "terrorists"
Sadly, 25 million points to the team that saves the hostage was GONE. Why? The hostage was shot by the people who tried to save him. Hahaha sad case. only Robin tried to save him by hugging Darren to protect his life * wow drama indeed :O * Then after washing up, we had our wonderful Dinner and the next Session!!..
This time, Pastor Andy spoke about "How BAD do you want it ? " If we are sick and tired of this world, then there's the cause to start a REVOLUTION. A revolution has to start with our own hearts before we can impact others. Live by exploits and NOT excuses. Three things that we need to do if we want to change is, rise, take up a cause and walk. We should be living our lives to see things change and not just remain stagnent. After the message, we had our very own..SHOW DOWN!!!!!!!!!
There were 3 fake judges in front to fool us all into thinking they were the judges which was Darren,Siau Ying and Philip. Darren's still very good at insulting mind you =) Don't take it to heart ! While the real judges were Pastor Andy,Mun Teng and Joel Vijay!
All 6 sketches were really wonderful and lots of creativity was put in it..In every sketch, each group were required to say a few things which were, " sumo,grandma,penguin,revolution" and to do a short dance. There were many " save the penguins concept " Then the winners of the Show down was..REACTIVATED!!! Best actress was JUSTINA or was it justin :P? Best actor was the one and only grandma Chan Tong! they both were really superb..
Other of my favourite parts was when Joben( a penguin ) got a matrix shot and "died" with a "chichichichichi" sound and splashed a cup of syrup on his shirt to make "blood"..I laughed till my sides split. Brian was really good at saying.."The penguins"and just because I like saying it, "the penguins..." and of course the irresistable adorable Mun Cheng who went " Sumo don't fight sumo =C * cute smile * " it made us all go "Awwwwww" and the wonderful 90 degree grandma - Joneil and Chan Tong's really really crazy grandma dance!! hahaha
There were many more memorable clips...sweet memories :) Then it was free time for everyone..quite some people started playing "monkey" in the hall..and a really extra-audrey-nary thing happened. I can't believe I'm even saying this..As we were playing monkey, I was the monkey and the ball happened to be in Joben's reach so I rushed to get the ball, banging into Joben and he flew back and actually rolled -.- read it again. HE flew back and rolled not me -.- It was so hilarious to the others -.- I feel sad. Hahaha Anyways, after having our wonderful maggi mee cups we slept at a very early 2-3 am :)
P.s. great job to the Publicity Team headed by Chan Tong
Here goes Revolution Camp ! I believe the smiles I see today means they had fun in this camp! We felt the presence of God had fulfilled us too. Games were crazy, Rev Kenneth's sermon was awesome, day 1 camp was.. The starting of Revolution!
Before that, the Preparation Team pictures
It was a fun, happy, tiring, co-operation, awesome, and spirited Day 1 of camp ! Teens were touched and filled by the presence of God on the first day. We teenacity pray that we could touch more teens and touch the teens in this world that we could spread the word of God.
Day 2 is going to be updated soon.
With best serving mind,
Chan Tong.
Day 2 is going to be updated soon.
With best serving mind,
Chan Tong.
Wooohoooo!!!! In less than 12 hours, we're leaving for CAMP! Are u all excited? I am! DUH =D
Just a little note,
Just a little note,
Thank you for your co-operation.
On behalf of Justina and Cheryl =D
On behalf of Justina and Cheryl =D
Well, it says on my friendster that "Teenacity's birthday is today ! - May 27!
So, we shall sing a song ? Happie birthhhday toooo youuuuu..... Teenacity, awesome ! xD
Well, if I'm wrong, will edit this post :x
So anyway, I just know that some of our campers didn't get our committee's short briefing of what-to-bring for camp. For safety purposes or just in case, I'll post it here (won't be in blue but in yellow, so that it is shining brightly).
Please be at AYA Conference Centre in Summit Hotel 2nd floor thru Car Park lift at 8 am sharp on 29th of May (Thursday)! The bus will leave around that time, so please be punctual.
Things to bring for camp.
1. Ample clothes for 3 days 2 nights.
2. Ample dark coloured shirts for games. (For girls, this is strongly recommended)
3. Tolietries (toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, soap, etc.)
4. Water Gun ! (For water war, yeah!)
5. Bible
6. Notebook and pen
7. Towel (for showering)
8. Slippers
9. Sports shoes
10. The most important, that is yourself !
**I repeat, bus will leave on time, so please be punctual. Remind your parents about it so that they could also help you to remember.
That's about all ! Teenacity-ians, ready for a Revolutionary Camp !!?!?!?!?!?!
So, we shall sing a song ? Happie birthhhday toooo youuuuu..... Teenacity, awesome ! xD
Well, if I'm wrong, will edit this post :x
So anyway, I just know that some of our campers didn't get our committee's short briefing of what-to-bring for camp. For safety purposes or just in case, I'll post it here (won't be in blue but in yellow, so that it is shining brightly).
Please be at AYA Conference Centre in Summit Hotel 2nd floor thru Car Park lift at 8 am sharp on 29th of May (Thursday)! The bus will leave around that time, so please be punctual.
Things to bring for camp.
1. Ample clothes for 3 days 2 nights.
2. Ample dark coloured shirts for games. (For girls, this is strongly recommended)
3. Tolietries (toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, soap, etc.)
4. Water Gun ! (For water war, yeah!)
5. Bible
6. Notebook and pen
7. Towel (for showering)
8. Slippers
9. Sports shoes
10. The most important, that is yourself !
**I repeat, bus will leave on time, so please be punctual. Remind your parents about it so that they could also help you to remember.
That's about all ! Teenacity-ians, ready for a Revolutionary Camp !!?!?!?!?!?!
Alvin Keng, Joel Vijay, Mun Teng, Yong Pin, Justina, Cheryl Soh, Darren Soh, Arthur Keng and I are at Flatfish Communications of AYA for camp preparations.
Some of us did "something" till our hands suffered sharpy pain. We committees put our best efforts on preparing for our camp, and we pray that it will be the best camp for our past 2 years' camp.
Additions, Alvin designed some cool name tags for all campers. Yet furthermore, we sure had a nice lunch together :)
Do stay tuned on our Revolution Camp updates. :)
Some of us did "something" till our hands suffered sharpy pain. We committees put our best efforts on preparing for our camp, and we pray that it will be the best camp for our past 2 years' camp.
Additions, Alvin designed some cool name tags for all campers. Yet furthermore, we sure had a nice lunch together :)
Do stay tuned on our Revolution Camp updates. :)
Teenacity started out with the refreshments..which was grape juice, chiffon cake and other things..Then it was soon epic time..and Schaefer was conducting the show. First challenge was..for everyone to stand on one leg, the other leg must be bent to your other hip and then you must bend the leg you're standing on too ( confused? me too ) Then a few people would go around poking you and if you fall you have to the remaining people standing would win a point.

This is the latest score so far =) Guys are just 8 marks away from the girls..
Then the 2nd challenge. Syameer vs Kylie in a simple game of 1,2, jus! and what did she win?

A TOILET BRUSH !!! awesome right? haha! Then after the games, we had actstream!! led by wee liem continued with baanu chairing..After the announcements, we had tithes and offerings done by wern nie!! Then it was time for the one and only..David ! He came to speak today..
Message was a quick but good one. He spoke on Devotion and discipline which is needed if we want to see something that has never happened. To have SEE something that has never happened, we have to DO something that has never been done. God has called each and everyone of us to reach out! If we come with an expectant heart, we will gain something for sure. What is the difference between a christian camp and a normal one? the GOD factor. So don't let time pass you by because it's really precious and we musn't waste it and quickly bring our friends to be saved !
After that, Pastor Andy gave a short altar call and then soon we closed and all went home.. P.s. CAMP IS IN FOUR DAYS TIME!! so come on and get ready for the time of your life =) Remember to bring your water guns!
This is the latest score so far =) Guys are just 8 marks away from the girls..
Then the 2nd challenge. Syameer vs Kylie in a simple game of 1,2, jus! and what did she win?
A TOILET BRUSH !!! awesome right? haha! Then after the games, we had actstream!! led by wee liem continued with baanu chairing..After the announcements, we had tithes and offerings done by wern nie!! Then it was time for the one and only..David ! He came to speak today..
Message was a quick but good one. He spoke on Devotion and discipline which is needed if we want to see something that has never happened. To have SEE something that has never happened, we have to DO something that has never been done. God has called each and everyone of us to reach out! If we come with an expectant heart, we will gain something for sure. What is the difference between a christian camp and a normal one? the GOD factor. So don't let time pass you by because it's really precious and we musn't waste it and quickly bring our friends to be saved !
After that, Pastor Andy gave a short altar call and then soon we closed and all went home.. P.s. CAMP IS IN FOUR DAYS TIME!! so come on and get ready for the time of your life =) Remember to bring your water guns!