Food was prepared by Kylie today helped by Audrey and Shaun :D It was junkfood dipped into cream cheese :O...It was really yummy! After that it was epic time!! There was tape on the floor and there were 2 box shapes on the floor...and we will just have to fit as many guys/girls into the box without falling out =)

This was practically how everyone fit in..The guys looke like they were gonna explode or something the end guys got the most people in since the girls didn't have enough people that we even dragged the adult leaders in hahaha!

The final score for today was.... boys got 70 and girls got 72!! hahaha but then since the guys won today, they got to pick the lucky draw and guess what Chan Tong got?

Someone finally got the hairband!!! See how pretty and happy he looks :D! He also gave 3 testimonies today!! THREE!! First one was, he and his sister had been praying for a dog for 2 years now, and since his birthday just passed few weeks ago, his mother bought for him a cute terrier named MUFFIN :D Wanna see it? Watch his camp promo video, Muffin makes an exclusive appearance in it. 2nd one was he had a great time at Homes last night and the last most of you know that Chan Tong has an..unknown..disease which doesn't have a cure,but when he went for a checkup yesterday, the doctor said that he could see healing!! God is so AWESOME.
Today we also had more newcomers..such as Tracy Su, Ching Kiat and Andrew! Cheryl was the Chairwoman for the day :D and Joel led Actstream in a different way..There were only 2 guitars and 1 piano and no drums. He decided to do it how CF normally does it..To show it doesn't mean we can't praise God just because of less instruments!
Then Pastor Alex came out and spoke about about Tattoo-lu-tion..Did you know tattoo originates from a word Tatao which means? Tak tau ( I don't know ) haha no he didn't speak to us about tattoos..He used it as an example..that God has made a mark on our how a tattoo is permanent! He also read from Luke 22:52-62 about how Peter denied Jesus 3 times. Peter was following God from a DISTANCE and not close up..Same as us, if we follow him closely, we can listen to Him..When you think of think of belonging. All of us are made according to His blueprint, so if we don't do what we're supposed to, we're not fulfilling our true purpose and remember ALL of us belong to him and He always prays for us to come back if we ever fall.
After the message, we had huddle lite and soon went home. Remember that camp sign up's expiry date is NEXT saturday!! So hurry and invite all your friends as well as join up the competitions! The T-Shirt design competition as well as the "it's my stage" competition!! Come' on and start the revolution =D
This was practically how everyone fit in..The guys looke like they were gonna explode or something the end guys got the most people in since the girls didn't have enough people that we even dragged the adult leaders in hahaha!
The final score for today was.... boys got 70 and girls got 72!! hahaha but then since the guys won today, they got to pick the lucky draw and guess what Chan Tong got?
Someone finally got the hairband!!! See how pretty and happy he looks :D! He also gave 3 testimonies today!! THREE!! First one was, he and his sister had been praying for a dog for 2 years now, and since his birthday just passed few weeks ago, his mother bought for him a cute terrier named MUFFIN :D Wanna see it? Watch his camp promo video, Muffin makes an exclusive appearance in it. 2nd one was he had a great time at Homes last night and the last most of you know that Chan Tong has an..unknown..disease which doesn't have a cure,but when he went for a checkup yesterday, the doctor said that he could see healing!! God is so AWESOME.
Today we also had more newcomers..such as Tracy Su, Ching Kiat and Andrew! Cheryl was the Chairwoman for the day :D and Joel led Actstream in a different way..There were only 2 guitars and 1 piano and no drums. He decided to do it how CF normally does it..To show it doesn't mean we can't praise God just because of less instruments!
Then Pastor Alex came out and spoke about about Tattoo-lu-tion..Did you know tattoo originates from a word Tatao which means? Tak tau ( I don't know ) haha no he didn't speak to us about tattoos..He used it as an example..that God has made a mark on our how a tattoo is permanent! He also read from Luke 22:52-62 about how Peter denied Jesus 3 times. Peter was following God from a DISTANCE and not close up..Same as us, if we follow him closely, we can listen to Him..When you think of think of belonging. All of us are made according to His blueprint, so if we don't do what we're supposed to, we're not fulfilling our true purpose and remember ALL of us belong to him and He always prays for us to come back if we ever fall.
After the message, we had huddle lite and soon went home. Remember that camp sign up's expiry date is NEXT saturday!! So hurry and invite all your friends as well as join up the competitions! The T-Shirt design competition as well as the "it's my stage" competition!! Come' on and start the revolution =D
TN2, better known as Puchong, had a fun time for homes. =D We had ice breakers first. Shaun was the game master. We played this game called "Whacko", where we sit in a circle with chairs, and one person will stand in the center holding a mineral bottle. Someone sitting will start the game by saying someone else's name(people in the circle), and the person standing in the center have to use the bottle to whack that person who is called. To avoid getting hit, that person have to continue by saying other people's name. If you got hit before you say a name, you have to stand in the middle of the circle instead. And the game goes on and on and on until the game master call for a stop.
After that we had our powderful Praise and Worship! Pr Andy was like, "Err.. We don't have a guitar, how do you all wanna do Praise and Worship?" And someone suggested to sing along with the music in Pr Andy's laptop! And yeah... We sang All The Way and Shine. Was kinda weird but it's kinda cool too! =D
Then, it was "message" time. Pr Andy talked about "From Shepherd Boy to Giant Killer". We're once again reminded that great people are people who do little things with greatness! To be someone great, we have to first do little things with passion, and God will slowly give you greater things to do, for God is training us to be the great person we wanna be. We had holy communion after the sharing and once again Pr Andy led us for that communion.

Message time!
Then it was makan time!! We had Fried Meehoon which was fried by Christon, Christon's dad and Christon's grandma. Haha... It was delicious and we had Coke, 100 Plus and F&N Orange for drinks! Syameer was telling us lots and lots of true stories which talked about God's greatness. We're all like "wow...". He's a good storyteller! =P
After all the clean ups and saying goodbyes to the host, we went back home, which is around 10.15pm, slightly earlier than the other Homes. =P

Almost every member of TN2!
After that we had our powderful Praise and Worship! Pr Andy was like, "Err.. We don't have a guitar, how do you all wanna do Praise and Worship?" And someone suggested to sing along with the music in Pr Andy's laptop! And yeah... We sang All The Way and Shine. Was kinda weird but it's kinda cool too! =D
Then, it was "message" time. Pr Andy talked about "From Shepherd Boy to Giant Killer". We're once again reminded that great people are people who do little things with greatness! To be someone great, we have to first do little things with passion, and God will slowly give you greater things to do, for God is training us to be the great person we wanna be. We had holy communion after the sharing and once again Pr Andy led us for that communion.
Message time!
Then it was makan time!! We had Fried Meehoon which was fried by Christon, Christon's dad and Christon's grandma. Haha... It was delicious and we had Coke, 100 Plus and F&N Orange for drinks! Syameer was telling us lots and lots of true stories which talked about God's greatness. We're all like "wow...". He's a good storyteller! =P
After all the clean ups and saying goodbyes to the host, we went back home, which is around 10.15pm, slightly earlier than the other Homes. =P
Almost every member of TN2!
It was TN1's first home!! ( SS14 ) and here's a short recap of what we did there =)..Firstly we had ice breakers which was done by Mun Teng! The game was called "A whut???" All of us sat in a circle and took an object each from the basket (etc: a pen) We would all then have to tell the person on our left (etc: I have a pen) at the same time so technically you can't hear what the person on your right told you..and then you have to turn to your right and say "a whut??" And then you quickly see what they have and say "etc: Oh..a pen" if you make a mistake then you're out =P and then you pass it on and on and on and change objects :D
After that we had Praise and worship!! With Joben leading,Audrey on the piano and Yong Pin on the drums! We sang So in Love with You and At The Cross.

After that, Joel gave us the message!!!

All of us sat down and listened and of course had a great time..and we had so many jokes that we laughed till our stomachs hurt Xx. Yong Jin's line for the day " 5 TIMES ! " Don't get it? TOO BAD! bwahahahahaha be a part of TN1 then you'll understand =P

Mun Cheng and her super cuteness on reading the verse...all of us went "awwwww" imagine her saying " I'm not a dog!!! " ahhh it was so cute hahaha and doesn't she resemble Yong Pin so much with her 24 7 smiling?
Then we had communion which was done by Vidy...After the communion, we had our group picture!!

The people from TN1 that came!!
Karmen,Joben,Joel,Vidy,Yong Pin,Mun Teng,Mun Cheng,Yong Jin,Jaymie and Audrey!

Mun Cheng and Mun Teng =)

Audrey(no I didn't change my specs) and Mun Teng~~!

Then..we celebrated Mun Teng's almost birthday and Vidy's belated birthday!!

the cutting of the cake :D

Mun Teng's mum made us jelly.. with the jelly!!! a whole trio :O There was also fried chicken..meehoon..and the cake was bought by Nikki Jackson!! ( he came shortly after that with Su Chee ) After all the chatting..and jokes..and things..we all went back home around 11pm =) Yes I know we were the last Homes to end..So what :P we were too engrossed in it till we didn't even notice the time =)
After that we had Praise and worship!! With Joben leading,Audrey on the piano and Yong Pin on the drums! We sang So in Love with You and At The Cross.
After that, Joel gave us the message!!!
All of us sat down and listened and of course had a great time..and we had so many jokes that we laughed till our stomachs hurt Xx. Yong Jin's line for the day " 5 TIMES ! " Don't get it? TOO BAD! bwahahahahaha be a part of TN1 then you'll understand =P
Mun Cheng and her super cuteness on reading the verse...all of us went "awwwww" imagine her saying " I'm not a dog!!! " ahhh it was so cute hahaha and doesn't she resemble Yong Pin so much with her 24 7 smiling?
Then we had communion which was done by Vidy...After the communion, we had our group picture!!
The people from TN1 that came!!
Karmen,Joben,Joel,Vidy,Yong Pin,Mun Teng,Mun Cheng,Yong Jin,Jaymie and Audrey!
Mun Cheng and Mun Teng =)
Audrey(no I didn't change my specs) and Mun Teng~~!
Then..we celebrated Mun Teng's almost birthday and Vidy's belated birthday!!
the cutting of the cake :D
Mun Teng's mum made us jelly.. with the jelly!!! a whole trio :O There was also fried chicken..meehoon..and the cake was bought by Nikki Jackson!! ( he came shortly after that with Su Chee ) After all the chatting..and jokes..and things..we all went back home around 11pm =) Yes I know we were the last Homes to end..So what :P we were too engrossed in it till we didn't even notice the time =)
Teenacity REVO Camp : Are you going to be there?
0 Comments Published by Cheryl on May 07, 2008 at 3:02 PM.
Chan Tong singing "Camping" instead of "Ken Lee". Enjoy! =P
Teenacity was on as usual on the 3rd of May..due to a website problem that's why the post is out late. Anyways, first we had refreshments and we had nacho chips with a dip! Then it was EPIC time !!!! The whole table of gifts came out..
Baanu modelled the hidden digital camera in that shiny golden box :O
Then 5 girls and 5 guys were called up to play..and as usual we had questions !
First question draw as many animals that God told Peter to kill and eat..
this was the result drawn by Audrey in one minute
this was the result drawn by Audrey in one minute
But since the Bible says "4 legged" and "birds of the air" most of them were not counted =)
Syameer was able to draw 3 correct animals.
The next question was a IQ question.."If you put bleach with Coke will the Coke change colour?"
Here's the result for you. It looks like petrol!! Anyone wanna try it =P?
Then there was a physical challenge...Yi Wei was required to carry one plastic chair per hand while Keith was to carry two per hand to make things fair. They were supposed to hold their hands straight to the side and the person who bends first loses..Keith lost ! haha
Then there was a word competition..there would be 5 words on the screen and Chan Tong and May Chen had to say all the words above in a story which was logical. In the end Chan Tong won..his 5 words included fridge,elephant,jungle,plane and another which I forgot..
The bonus round this time was the amount of Bibles owned by the Girls and Guys and the girls had 20 !! while the boys had 14!! In the end, this was the final score!!
Guys now have 45 and girls have 50 ! Lets see who will be in the lead THIS Saturday!!
Then it was time for Actstream..Philip led the band and sang In love with you, Bigger and In Awe which was a new song..after that Shaun came up to talk as he was the chairman and invited Dr. Jill to come and give the message!
Her message for the day was To be or not to be...a grasshopper? First she called up Joben,May Chen and Bryan Lee to do something. Which was..Joben was to pose while May Chen and Joben tried to draw him
Joben trying to hold still patiently while they attempted to draw him
A closer look at Joben !! Doesn't he look so awesome?!
I know it's not really clear but this was BRYAN'S version of Joben..can you see the little leaf at the bottom o.o? Hahahaha yeah it was hilarious. Dr. Jill based her message on Numbers 13. Then she categorised the story into three parts.
1) Truth
2) Fact
3) Bluff
Don't understand why? It's because It was a fact that there was milk and honey in the promised land and a bluff that there were giants there but the truth was that we are able to overcome anything through Christ Jesus our Lord. Then after the message, we had our first ever Homes Lite to discuss what to do during our first Homes meeting which will be this Friday (9th May) at our respective Homes - TN1,2,3,4,5
Lastly, a little announcement, some people from TN 3 has been shifted to TN1 such as
2)Kah Chun
3)Su Ann
4)Kar Men