Woohoo!! TN4 was GREAT! The attends for yesterday was 16!! There were Baanu, Kenji , Priya, Cassandra , Jason , Philip , Dr Jill , Nikki , Justin , Wendy , Wernie , Enrico , Kylie and Justina. There were 2 NEW COMERS which are * drums playing* Grace Lee and Ernest Tan!! *clap clap clap*. We started Homes with pizza which were brought by Justina and Justin. Was it delicious? I have no comment cause....After chit-chatting and chilling out. We had our game time which was lead by Yap Ken-Ji.
Human Twister was the name of the game, it was created by our very own game master. The games goes like, the game master will give an instruction like ' Baanu's left leg to Wernie's right hand' so they have to some how just to just connect. Then the game master will give another instruction again maybe ' Baanu's right hand to Wendy's right ear' so they have to connect with her(Baanu) leg connected to Wernie's hand. Something like that laaaaa! I do not know how to explain laaa:( ask kenji if want to know:P
After the 'awesome' game, we had praise and worship which was led by Justina, guitarist Philip. We sang Sunday School songs for praise!! woohoo which were Give me oil in my lamp (with action) and Jesus loves me; as for worship we sang Follow After.
After praise and worship we had our DISCUSSION TIME! Which was led by Philip. It was a fruitful time, cause we get to hear what are the teens are struggling with, feels much relive after sharing out and got some advices from the leaders and get to overcome it (problems) knowing that we are not alone cause leaders and God is always there for us.
After the discussion time, we had communion. Then we had Food again which were brought by Baanu and Priya, pasta i guess what they call it. Good Job Baanu and Priya! It was -D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S-!:) After eating Ernest volunteered to wash the dishes. LOL. Thanks!!Our Homes was officially ended at 10.30.
Human Twister was the name of the game, it was created by our very own game master. The games goes like, the game master will give an instruction like ' Baanu's left leg to Wernie's right hand' so they have to some how just to just connect. Then the game master will give another instruction again maybe ' Baanu's right hand to Wendy's right ear' so they have to connect with her(Baanu) leg connected to Wernie's hand. Something like that laaaaa! I do not know how to explain laaa:( ask kenji if want to know:P
After the 'awesome' game, we had praise and worship which was led by Justina, guitarist Philip. We sang Sunday School songs for praise!! woohoo which were Give me oil in my lamp (with action) and Jesus loves me; as for worship we sang Follow After.
After praise and worship we had our DISCUSSION TIME! Which was led by Philip. It was a fruitful time, cause we get to hear what are the teens are struggling with, feels much relive after sharing out and got some advices from the leaders and get to overcome it (problems) knowing that we are not alone cause leaders and God is always there for us.
After the discussion time, we had communion. Then we had Food again which were brought by Baanu and Priya, pasta i guess what they call it. Good Job Baanu and Priya! It was -D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S-!:) After eating Ernest volunteered to wash the dishes. LOL. Thanks!!Our Homes was officially ended at 10.30.
Puchong was again, superb funny today. Pastor Andy forgot to tell Deacon Boon Wei (our Home host) that we're using her place for Home, and she have a guest today, so we all had our Home Meeting at the Bukit Jalil Club (yes, the same place where we went for our bowling during the outing).
10 of us were there including Pastor Andy, Jay, Shaun, Cheryl, Brian, Gyllen, Lyam, Tya, Robin and Syameer. First, we had ice-breaker which was done by Gyllen. There's 2 person in 1 team, where we're given apples tied on a rotan, 1 person have to hold the rotan while the other person have to eat it, without using hands. I forgot who won and the losers had to do push-ups for 6 times (yes a weird number and a weird punishment). Oh ya, forgot to mention, we did our ice-breaker in the playground. (Thank God its already 8pm so no one was there)
Yay! It was indeed a nice game, it sound super easy, but its very hard. Moving on, we had Praise & Worship! Brian was on the guitar and practically, there's no worship leader. We did our P&W at the playground also. Awesome huh? It was all dark and gloomy but it was very interesting! We sang One Way and One Desire, but no one knew how to sing One Desire, except for Brian himself, while Pastor Andy and Cheryl knew how to sing the Chorus only. So we only sang the chorus and after that Pastor Andy led us in the song Shine.
We did communion after P&W. Led by Jay. Then we shifted to the pool side, where only one spotlight was there shining, DIRECTLY at me! *feel so proud* Haha.. Like some "superstar" like that. No la, joking =D Back to the story, Pastor Andy talked about the important points of the message 3 weeks ago, "Naked & Unashamed", where we were challenged to stop covering ourselves with leaves and talk to any of our leader bout the stuff that we're going through. Some of us are even challenged to share bout the bad things that we've done. The teens were so bold! I'm superb proud of them, our younger generation is very err... hopeful? Yeah. Dunno what word to use. Heeeeee =D
After the sharing, we prayed for those people who have prayer requests. Once again, I'm so proud of the teens! Gyllen and Robin prayed for the first time! All by themselves! If I were them at that time, I would have chickened out. Seriously. Then we went for mamak (there's one in the place). Cheryl prepared chocolate cake and some other teens ordered food to eat. The cake is yummy! Even Jay, who lost her voice and having a bad sore throat, keep eating! No offense. Not perasan-ing also. (Yay me! Wait no, yay to my mommy!)
The funny thing is, the teens ordered without thinking that they have NO MONEY with them. So our lovely Jay had to pay for them. Awesome! She would make a great mom. *ahem* (Oops did I type it out? Ohh yes I did. Ok enough of lameness.) We ended around 10.30 and yay! Everyone went home.. (What a common ending... Ahhhh who cares! =D)
P/S Once again, there's no pictures. I totally forgot bout the camera. Sorry!
P/P/S Thank God that we didn't look weird there. It was indeed very special!!!! Yes yes I know, you guys are jealous of Puchong once again. =P
10 of us were there including Pastor Andy, Jay, Shaun, Cheryl, Brian, Gyllen, Lyam, Tya, Robin and Syameer. First, we had ice-breaker which was done by Gyllen. There's 2 person in 1 team, where we're given apples tied on a rotan, 1 person have to hold the rotan while the other person have to eat it, without using hands. I forgot who won and the losers had to do push-ups for 6 times (yes a weird number and a weird punishment). Oh ya, forgot to mention, we did our ice-breaker in the playground. (Thank God its already 8pm so no one was there)
Yay! It was indeed a nice game, it sound super easy, but its very hard. Moving on, we had Praise & Worship! Brian was on the guitar and practically, there's no worship leader. We did our P&W at the playground also. Awesome huh? It was all dark and gloomy but it was very interesting! We sang One Way and One Desire, but no one knew how to sing One Desire, except for Brian himself, while Pastor Andy and Cheryl knew how to sing the Chorus only. So we only sang the chorus and after that Pastor Andy led us in the song Shine.
We did communion after P&W. Led by Jay. Then we shifted to the pool side, where only one spotlight was there shining, DIRECTLY at me! *feel so proud* Haha.. Like some "superstar" like that. No la, joking =D Back to the story, Pastor Andy talked about the important points of the message 3 weeks ago, "Naked & Unashamed", where we were challenged to stop covering ourselves with leaves and talk to any of our leader bout the stuff that we're going through. Some of us are even challenged to share bout the bad things that we've done. The teens were so bold! I'm superb proud of them, our younger generation is very err... hopeful? Yeah. Dunno what word to use. Heeeeee =D
After the sharing, we prayed for those people who have prayer requests. Once again, I'm so proud of the teens! Gyllen and Robin prayed for the first time! All by themselves! If I were them at that time, I would have chickened out. Seriously. Then we went for mamak (there's one in the place). Cheryl prepared chocolate cake and some other teens ordered food to eat. The cake is yummy! Even Jay, who lost her voice and having a bad sore throat, keep eating! No offense. Not perasan-ing also. (Yay me! Wait no, yay to my mommy!)
The funny thing is, the teens ordered without thinking that they have NO MONEY with them. So our lovely Jay had to pay for them. Awesome! She would make a great mom. *ahem* (Oops did I type it out? Ohh yes I did. Ok enough of lameness.) We ended around 10.30 and yay! Everyone went home.. (What a common ending... Ahhhh who cares! =D)
P/S Once again, there's no pictures. I totally forgot bout the camera. Sorry!
P/P/S Thank God that we didn't look weird there. It was indeed very special!!!! Yes yes I know, you guys are jealous of Puchong once again. =P
homes started a little late due to traffic jams but it was still awesome!

Yong Pin started out with games and his game was..each of us grab a calculator, type 7 digits(or any amount according to Yong Pin) of any order but don't repeat any..then slowly one by one say a digit and whatever digit that person says, you have to minus it off your total ..so if the person says 3 and your 3 is in the thousands, you minus 3000 but if you don't have 3 in your amount, you have to times your amount by 3..IF you're confused go ask him :) but the goal of the game is just to get rid of your amount till you get 0 =)
Then worship was done by Joben leading while Audrey,Joel and Yong Pin played instruments..we had a whole band! we sang all the way and give me oil in my lamp :)

Mun Hsing hugging Lumpy.

Message was then done by Mun Teng :) she went through everything and did really well for her first time doing message during homes yay Mun Teng!

Mun Hsing's very very awkward picture..

Mun Cheng's oh so sweet smile :)

Joel says weeeeeeeee

Communion was also done by Mun Teng :)

Yong Jin's legs LOL!!
Then we had our wonderful roti canai with ribena for our supper! bought by the wonderful Joel Vijay who had a very nice roti canai smelling car after that :P

Orang bodoh buat muka ;)

Yong Jin ;) posing between two roti canais :D
then Joel sent Aud,Joben and Jamie back home :) besides those people...the others were all cheahs :D so they just...stayed back at home ? hahaha WE HAD FARN :)

Yong Pin started out with games and his game was..each of us grab a calculator, type 7 digits(or any amount according to Yong Pin) of any order but don't repeat any..then slowly one by one say a digit and whatever digit that person says, you have to minus it off your total ..so if the person says 3 and your 3 is in the thousands, you minus 3000 but if you don't have 3 in your amount, you have to times your amount by 3..IF you're confused go ask him :) but the goal of the game is just to get rid of your amount till you get 0 =)
Then worship was done by Joben leading while Audrey,Joel and Yong Pin played instruments..we had a whole band! we sang all the way and give me oil in my lamp :)

Mun Hsing hugging Lumpy.

Message was then done by Mun Teng :) she went through everything and did really well for her first time doing message during homes yay Mun Teng!

Mun Hsing's very very awkward picture..

Mun Cheng's oh so sweet smile :)

Joel says weeeeeeeee

Communion was also done by Mun Teng :)

Yong Jin's legs LOL!!
Then we had our wonderful roti canai with ribena for our supper! bought by the wonderful Joel Vijay who had a very nice roti canai smelling car after that :P

Orang bodoh buat muka ;)

Yong Jin ;) posing between two roti canais :D
then Joel sent Aud,Joben and Jamie back home :) besides those people...the others were all cheahs :D so they just...stayed back at home ? hahaha WE HAD FARN :)
YAY! Homes is on TONIGHT, 8pm at respective Homes. Be there or be square!
Nah, just joking. =D
12 of July's Teenacity™ started off with. . .
EPIC !!!
EPIC was interesting enough that their game went FISHING !!

Oh look, FISH ! Eh, how come there's octopus.... and starfish ?

Teenacity people loves fishing !
Well in the end, the GUYS won ! Woohoo...!

Syameer can't wait to get his prize !!
EPIC changed their prize drawing method from lucky drawing to...

"Pick it and get it" method ! Oh look, someone won the Starbucks Voucher !

Brian Ong, chill lah ! I know your seaweed is gone.. ;)
After EPIC times, teens were given about 10 minutes to have their quick ACTSpresso and after that....

Actstream led by p-h-i-l (Philip), sang Salvation, All The Way and Follow After !

While worshipping, Philip requested all teens to pray for their friends who are standing beside them if they have any prayer needs or having hard times in school.

Kemudian, Teenacity goes on with announcements chaired by Darren Soh ! And also... It was Darren Soh's birthday !!

Awww.. Look at the Soh-siblings... :)
Announcements made then there starts the service by Pr Andy !

Fish to live.. or Live to fish !
Click here for the MTG (Message-To-Go) for the sermon ! I found that the MTG is funny :D and it's fresh and a must to listen !
EPIC !!!
EPIC was interesting enough that their game went FISHING !!
Oh look, FISH ! Eh, how come there's octopus.... and starfish ?
Teenacity people loves fishing !
Well in the end, the GUYS won ! Woohoo...!
Syameer can't wait to get his prize !!
EPIC changed their prize drawing method from lucky drawing to...
"Pick it and get it" method ! Oh look, someone won the Starbucks Voucher !
Brian Ong, chill lah ! I know your seaweed is gone.. ;)
After EPIC times, teens were given about 10 minutes to have their quick ACTSpresso and after that....
Actstream led by p-h-i-l (Philip), sang Salvation, All The Way and Follow After !
While worshipping, Philip requested all teens to pray for their friends who are standing beside them if they have any prayer needs or having hard times in school.
Kemudian, Teenacity goes on with announcements chaired by Darren Soh ! And also... It was Darren Soh's birthday !!
Awww.. Look at the Soh-siblings... :)
Announcements made then there starts the service by Pr Andy !
Fish to live.. or Live to fish !
Click here for the MTG (Message-To-Go) for the sermon ! I found that the MTG is funny :D and it's fresh and a must to listen !