Hold On

Worship was led by Philip and Jay was the chairwoman for the day. Today there were some birthdays for the week such as Inkkie, Damien, Tze Lin and more..:)

Pastor Andy's title for the day was "HOLD ON: The Value of Your Faith"
- Hebrews 11
- Faith is powerful. By faith, we can do great things!
- With faith the size of a mustard seed, we can move mountains! (Matthew 17:20)
- Nothing supernatural happens without faith
- Our faith is precious and very valuable!
- The devil is more interested in stealing, killing, destroying your faith than anything else!
- The enemy will throw fear, pride, offenses, and even success at us to cause us to abandon our faith!
- Live by faith, and not just by facts (sight)
- The enemy can take your finance, fame, friends, food, fun, etc... but don't let him take your faith!
- Hold on to your faith, no matter what!
- Faith is a choice, a commitment.
- We can build & strengthen our faith through:
a) The Word of God (Reading, studying, memorizing, applying)
b) Prayer & Worship (including praying in the Spirit - tongues)
c ) The Prophetic (Rhema)
d ) Exercise - Faith without works is dead!

After the message, we had Huddle Max and Pink celebrated Inkkie's birthday!

The princess for the day !
Some Pinkies
More Pinkies
All pinkies :)

Did you know?? TN4 is happening?

Awesome! Homes was AWESOME. We had our Homes at Sandra's residence! We officially started our Homes around 8.30. Kenji host of the day gather us in the dining room for a word of blessing over the food. Yummy food was prepared by our very own Sandy! She is a COOK,boom. Her food was great! And we learned how to make "bread pizza"!We get to learn the "process" of making a pizza. As the same time we also had a great time of fellowship, this fellowship session gave us an opportunity to catch up with each other and get to know each other better.:)

Right after eating, we went to hang out in the hall. We gather around as Kenji introduce us to some new comers,first time to Homes. The "new" comers of the day are::
Lee Kerwin

Iain Liew

Magnus(Birthday Boy!)Inkkie (Birthday Girl)

Chiam Szenli(typical poser)

Followed by Epic , led by Kylie and Justina. We have 4 shortlisted nominees which are Kerwin , Magnus , Phui Yi and Sandra. And the Miss Hawaiian goes tooooooooooo Lee Kerwin!

and Mr Hawaiian goes to PhuiYi!! They were fantastic! Talented Limbo Player=). Without delay we went straight into the time of praise and worship led by Justina. We sang I m a friend of God and Here I am to worship. Then words was spoken by Deacon Doctor Jill! She talked about the importance of the Word of God, What the Bible say the Word of God is and building of faith. After the spiritual feeding time we celebrated Inkkie's birthday! *someone is old now*
. Time is running late, we had our last lap of fellowship then BALIK! FYI our Homes ended at 12!

Just wanna say a

for those who have made this Homes happening!

USJ go Hawaiish!

It's Homes Party once again! I bet all of you know, the theme is ISLAND ESCAPADE : HAWAII! Homes Party started at 8.20, with the own-hand-make pizza first! Chef Joshua taught us how to make our own pizza, and boy, it was as awesome as the normal ones! We also had pizzas that were made by Justina's dad *applause applause*, fried pineapple rice by Aunty Mag (Amanda and Avryl's mom), and fried chicken by Aunty Indra (Syameer's mom).

The wonderful pizza made by ourselves!

Chairperson of the day - Cheryl

Then it was time for EPIC, handled by Gyllen and Brian. We had our four finalist for the Mr and Ms Hawaii contest, which is Charlotte, Bianca, Sean and Benjamin Koo. They had to do the limbo! And to make things harder, each of them are required to bite a pen, in upright position. Final result, Bianca is given the title of Ms Hawaii, while Benjamin Koo is the Mr Hawaii. For winning this wonderful game, Bianca got herself a wonderful and colourful umbrella, while Ben got a colourful hoola-hoop.

Bianca and Benjamin - Ms and Mr Hawaii

Had Praise & Worship later on, with Pastor Andy worship leading and Brian as the guitarist. We sang Found in You and MengenalMu Tuhan. Cool eh? ;)

Look at those happy faces!

Wee Liem - Sharing of the Word.

The main points for the Word today are,
1) The importance of the Word of God
2) What the Bible say the Word of God is
3) Building of Faith

And since our birthday babes, Ingrid and Robin couldn't make it for the Homes Party, we did not celebrate any birthday. Or at least, we sang the birthday song and wished the birthday cake itself happy birthday. Super syok-sendiri right? =P

With that, Homes Party ended with a BANG!

Group pic with Mr and Ms Hawaii!

Some final updates. TN2 and TN3 has officially started the Christmas Community Project! We've visited some families in Angsana Flats, and managed to note down what they need, and we're going to get it for them! We're delivering the items to them this Sunday, by hand. Hope that this will bless them, and of course enabling them to have a wonderful Christmas!

Also, the next Home Party is on the 28th of Nov, with the theme ISLAND ESCAPADE : PENANG! Do mark your calendar!

TN1's Island Escapade

The day started out with a mini game by Alvin. There were 3 new comers today which were, Pravin,Jia Yee and Bryan :)

2 rows of chairs were facing each other and everyone had to sit on one. Each person would have to ask 3 questions about the person infront of them and then after that switch to the next chair and ask 3 questions again about the next person. At the end of the game, who couldn't answer 3 things about a certain person would be forfeited..but in the end no one was forfeited..

Food, food and loads more food! We had pizza, KFC, fried lice..RICE. sorry. and we made our very own pizza!

The homemade gardenia bread pizza was actually quite delicious :O.

After that, we had the mr and ms. hawaii nominees.
Mr. Hawaii - Travis and Chan Tong
Ms. Hawaii - Mun Hsing and Su Ann
Travis is getting old!
Watch a short clip of them doing the limbo!
Chan Tong was crowned as Mr. Hawaii
Mun Hsing was crowned as Ms. Hawaii.
After that, we had praise and worship led by Joben and we sang Christ in the Vessel ( the one with the super cute actions ) , All The Way and ...I forgot the title of the worship song!
Joel then started the session and we learnt about one of the W's.
We then celebrated the birthdays of Bryan and Damien!!

Shout Out

Wanna be a part of this? Email us: acts.teens@theactschurch.org

ACTS Teens is the happenin' Teens Ministry of ACTS Church

Senior Pastor: Rev. Kenneth Chin

Youth Pastor: Pr. Andy Yeoh

Mailing Address: 34B, Jalan SS15/8, 47500 Subang Jaya

Phone: 03-5637 8737
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