As usual, it stared out wiht Actstream led by Joel..we had a wonderful time of worship..and we also prayed for the teens who are going to take their SPM on 11th of November such as Shaun,Yi Wei,Phui Yi,Joneil,Darren,Baanu,Keith..etc !

Then Pastor Andy was the chairman for the day! After some announcements, we had ActsTV presented by Leona and Pastor Andy! After that, we had Pastor Kenneth to speak about FAITH.

Then Pastor Andy was the chairman for the day! After some announcements, we had ActsTV presented by Leona and Pastor Andy! After that, we had Pastor Kenneth to speak about FAITH.
taken from 1 Kings 17. As christians, we should live by faith and not by sight and opportunities are actually disguised as problems. So the next time you face a problem, think of it as an opportunity instead. Faith shines in the darkest hour. Gd allows us to get stuck so that we'll seek him instead.
We're either going to get an opportunity, already in an opportunity or getting out of an opportunity. He sets us up for a miracle to happen. Faith = Trust = Dependancy.
We need to let go of what we're depending on to be able to depend on God. Most importantly, remember to put God First in everything :)
Remember that Homes party is not on the 7th November as most people are confused. Homes Party is on the 14th!
Also remember that 8th November there will be no Saturday Evening Service ( Teenacity ).
and...AYA AWARDS 2008 will be at KLPAC on the 9th November!!
This Week @ Saturday Evening Service ! (1st Nov 08')
0 Comments Published by Chan Tong on October 30, 2008 at 11:41 PM.

1. This week at our Saturday Evening Service [powered by us Teenacity], our Senior Minister, Pr Kenneth Chin will be speaking to us again this week !
Wanna hear more about Passion that Pr Kenneth spoke last week ? Come ACTSperience and get blessed by this powerful word of God !
2. Also, HOME Lite is ON right after the service ! Please do stay back and discuss among your HOME 'fellas' about the upcoming HOME Parties on Friday (7th Nov 08') located at different locations ! So stay back and find out more about it !

Transport Problem ?! :- FREE Transport to our Saturday Evening Services ! Contact with your Huddle Leaders today or if you are new, do not hesistate to just SMS your info and address to Schaefer @ 012-6370568 and he will get back to you real soon !See you guys this Saturday ! ^__^
Note :- Please contact for your transport as soon as possible so that we can make earlier arrangements for you !
Note : This is the only 1 of the 3 posts that have media sources ! Yay ! :P
Yup it was another enjoyable party held in Yong Pin's residence ! Our Homes started 8.16pm sharp with foods ! Foods were catered and it tasted yummy ! Thanks to the 'indian' caterer and Happy Deepavali ! Okay, back to the topic again. Kudos to Damien too that he prepared for us Fruit Punch ! It tasted really sweet but well done =)
Emcee-of-the-day staring Yong Pin, that he commenced EPIC after food session !

EPIC was led by Jeremy Yap, that the game was...

All of us are assigned into groups of two and we started to discuss among our groups !

While the game is on, it is funny and exciting ! Like 'someone' had actually named Janet as Joneil.

Believe it, Chan Tong is bad at playing this game.
After EPIC time with no prizes XD, we moved on to Praise and Worship !

Praise led by Joel Vijay and Worship led by Chan Tong, singing Bigger & Hungry respectively !

Following with the message time shared by Alvin Keng, about Worship (Part 2) !

Sure we have caring people in our Homes. =P
It is known that worshipping God with expressions is honoring God, so Alvin decided to sing the song 'Every Move I Make - Hillsong' to show our expressions of honoring God !
And here's the video !
After message, it's time to celebrate birthday again !

Oh well, since it's Yong Jin's again, we decided that it's everyone birthday !! =D Special right ? =P
Kemudian, we packed up and left the party.
Thanks again to the Cheahs for providing your residence ! Much appreciated ! ^__^
Yup it was another enjoyable party held in Yong Pin's residence ! Our Homes started 8.16pm sharp with foods ! Foods were catered and it tasted yummy ! Thanks to the 'indian' caterer and Happy Deepavali ! Okay, back to the topic again. Kudos to Damien too that he prepared for us Fruit Punch ! It tasted really sweet but well done =)
Emcee-of-the-day staring Yong Pin, that he commenced EPIC after food session !
EPIC was led by Jeremy Yap, that the game was...
All of us are assigned into groups of two and we started to discuss among our groups !
While the game is on, it is funny and exciting ! Like 'someone' had actually named Janet as Joneil.
Believe it, Chan Tong is bad at playing this game.
After EPIC time with no prizes XD, we moved on to Praise and Worship !
Praise led by Joel Vijay and Worship led by Chan Tong, singing Bigger & Hungry respectively !
Following with the message time shared by Alvin Keng, about Worship (Part 2) !
Sure we have caring people in our Homes. =P
It is known that worshipping God with expressions is honoring God, so Alvin decided to sing the song 'Every Move I Make - Hillsong' to show our expressions of honoring God !
And here's the video !
After message, it's time to celebrate birthday again !
Oh well, since it's Yong Jin's again, we decided that it's everyone birthday !! =D Special right ? =P
Kemudian, we packed up and left the party.
Thanks again to the Cheahs for providing your residence ! Much appreciated ! ^__^
Sorry for the late update, but here it is! TN2+TN3's Homes Party!
The party started out with FOOOOOD! We had rice (don't know what is it, just whack. But since all of us ate the same thing, you should know what I mean =P), chicken+potato and vege! Nice food indeed, served in super big portion too! Yummy... Not to forget about the drinks, they all were personally made by our very own PASTOR ANDY! Our drinks were in a lot of colours such as purple, pink, red, peach, blue, green and so on. Cool right? =)
Then the emcee (Shaun) and the co-emcee (Cheryl) passed on the time to EPIC, and since we had the same game and the other post explained about it already, so you all should know what we played. It was really kancheong as both teams had around 12 people, so it was really unexpected that who will come out next. Plus, we had some confusion as the 3 Bens were in the same team, Benjamin Koo, Benjamin Goh and Benedict Choong. And when they put those 3 people in front of the line, we must be real quick. It was really a tough fight, our rule is that which team reach 10 points first wins, and the score went up to 9-9, and at last team 2 won. Nice match indeed.
We sang Best Friend and Follow After, led by Wee Liem. On the guitars are Wee Liem and Matthew Lai. Later on, it was the WORD. Deacon Jay Yeoh shared about Worship part II. First, we made a group of 4 people each, then we laid down any expression of worship. Few minutes later, we shared them with each other and learn from it. Funny suggestions such as "burn the guitar and offer it to God" and "convert the rock stars into Christians so that they can convert the fans to Christians too" are SOME of the suggestions given by Wee Liem's group (Wee Liem, Matthew Lai, Benjamin Koo and Benedict Choong).
After that we celebrated birthday for Gyllen and Syna (both on 21st October). Jared came up and prayed for them, then we all ate the cake. It was a chocolate cake, superb rich in chocolate, yummy! Thanks for preparing the cake, Siau Ying! =P
After the clean up and moving the furnitures back into the house, we all balik-ed. To those who missed the USJ Homes Party, hope to see you all for the next Homes Party with the theme "Hawaiian Party". Come dressed Hawaiian style!

The party started out with FOOOOOD! We had rice (don't know what is it, just whack. But since all of us ate the same thing, you should know what I mean =P), chicken+potato and vege! Nice food indeed, served in super big portion too! Yummy... Not to forget about the drinks, they all were personally made by our very own PASTOR ANDY! Our drinks were in a lot of colours such as purple, pink, red, peach, blue, green and so on. Cool right? =)
Then the emcee (Shaun) and the co-emcee (Cheryl) passed on the time to EPIC, and since we had the same game and the other post explained about it already, so you all should know what we played. It was really kancheong as both teams had around 12 people, so it was really unexpected that who will come out next. Plus, we had some confusion as the 3 Bens were in the same team, Benjamin Koo, Benjamin Goh and Benedict Choong. And when they put those 3 people in front of the line, we must be real quick. It was really a tough fight, our rule is that which team reach 10 points first wins, and the score went up to 9-9, and at last team 2 won. Nice match indeed.
We sang Best Friend and Follow After, led by Wee Liem. On the guitars are Wee Liem and Matthew Lai. Later on, it was the WORD. Deacon Jay Yeoh shared about Worship part II. First, we made a group of 4 people each, then we laid down any expression of worship. Few minutes later, we shared them with each other and learn from it. Funny suggestions such as "burn the guitar and offer it to God" and "convert the rock stars into Christians so that they can convert the fans to Christians too" are SOME of the suggestions given by Wee Liem's group (Wee Liem, Matthew Lai, Benjamin Koo and Benedict Choong).
After that we celebrated birthday for Gyllen and Syna (both on 21st October). Jared came up and prayed for them, then we all ate the cake. It was a chocolate cake, superb rich in chocolate, yummy! Thanks for preparing the cake, Siau Ying! =P
After the clean up and moving the furnitures back into the house, we all balik-ed. To those who missed the USJ Homes Party, hope to see you all for the next Homes Party with the theme "Hawaiian Party". Come dressed Hawaiian style!
People in TN4 say "wooooooooots!". We had an awesome time in Homes last Friday.Our Homes started at 9. We had food. Food was like "wow" yummies! Rice, chicken and veggie and above it all... SMOOTHIES!! We get to make our own smoothies with 7-up, orange juice and everything nice. We had a great time of fellowship and catch up while eating and of course we learned the art of making smoothies.
After we filled our stomach with liquid and solid matter, we went on with EPIC hosted by Philip. We played the blanket game! We were divided into 2 groups. A blanket was put but between us so we wouldnt know whats happening on both sides. as soon as the blanket drops, u are suppose to shout the name of the person in front of you as quickly as possible. AWESOME GAME!. The winner was team 1.. Congrats!!
We moved on to homes study which was taught by Joy, she talked bout how do we express our worship. It was an awesome time, we were all blessed. We flipped through versus and we learned that we can express worship in many ways. Shout for Joy, Jump for Joy, dance for Joy etc etc.HAHAHA. (inside joke)
After the words Justina led us in a time of praise and worship. We sang one way and I could sing of Your love forever. Later, we celebrated Sandra's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN! and of course, we ended with food and fellowship again! Yumm Yumm!
Homes was a super duper mumber jumper blast! =P Praise God for 2 newcomers which is the S-es!! Sarah and Sandra!!We really appreciate that you girls made it for the Homes Party, hope that you enjoyed yourself there! Wootsss. Finally, thank you all the volunteers and adult leaders for making this an awesome party!
After we filled our stomach with liquid and solid matter, we went on with EPIC hosted by Philip. We played the blanket game! We were divided into 2 groups. A blanket was put but between us so we wouldnt know whats happening on both sides. as soon as the blanket drops, u are suppose to shout the name of the person in front of you as quickly as possible. AWESOME GAME!. The winner was team 1.. Congrats!!
We moved on to homes study which was taught by Joy, she talked bout how do we express our worship. It was an awesome time, we were all blessed. We flipped through versus and we learned that we can express worship in many ways. Shout for Joy, Jump for Joy, dance for Joy etc etc.HAHAHA. (inside joke)
After the words Justina led us in a time of praise and worship. We sang one way and I could sing of Your love forever. Later, we celebrated Sandra's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN! and of course, we ended with food and fellowship again! Yumm Yumm!
Homes was a super duper mumber jumper blast! =P Praise God for 2 newcomers which is the S-es!! Sarah and Sandra!!We really appreciate that you girls made it for the Homes Party, hope that you enjoyed yourself there! Wootsss. Finally, thank you all the volunteers and adult leaders for making this an awesome party!