FREEDOMFIGHTERS Promo 2 !! Freedom Fighters Party is on this Saturday (Aug 25)!
There is transport for everyone! If you or your friends need transport
kindly inform your leaders, or email teenacity @
Just pass us your details (name, phone no, address), and we'll make sure that transport comes your way! There is also transport back after the party!
You can also call The Acts Church office for more info @ 03-5636 2147
See you there at FREEDOMFIGHTERS!
<a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Freedom Fighters" src="" border="0" /></a>
FREEDOM<strong>FIGHTERS</strong> PARTY this August!
25.08.2007 @ 7.30pm
The Acts Church, Summit Hotel USJ (2nd Floor thru Carpark Lifts)
Visit us for more info @
<a href=""></a>
You're all invited for the Party!
It will turn out like this:

25.08.2007 @ 7.30pm
The Acts Church, Summit Hotel USJ (2nd Floor thru Carpark Lifts)
Visit us for more info @
You're all invited for the Party!
By Joel V and Wee Liem
We had Joel Vijay and Wee Liem to share on the last part of the Devotion series and what a great job they did! Joel started off by telling us what worship IS NOT.
- Worship is not about you – it’s about GOD
- It’s not about MTV – worship is about adoration to God, not entertainment
- It’s not about music – we can still worship God when there’s no music
- It’s not about Sunday – yes people, we can worship God EVERY day
Worship IS sacrifice, obedience, service and reverence. Giving God our best is worship.
Why worship, you ask? Well, that’s cos
- God deserves our worship (Psalm 100). He has created us and given us every blessing there is and he has been faithful all the way.
- God requires us to worship (John 4:23-24). We are made to worship God. We can’t ignore our purpose!
- God enables us to worship (Hebrews 10:18, 22). We can worship God in so many ways because Christ has paid the price for our sins through the cross. We can now enter into his presence without having to slaughter cows in church. Ain't that cool?
So now, how do we live a lifestyle of worship?
- Be God-conscious. Think of him and respond to what he is telling you.
- Love God and show it. Jesus loves us despite all our flaws. We need to learn to love God as well and not just say it, but to also show that we do love God. We do this by loving others and by following God’s commands.
- Walk right with him.
At the end of the day, we become like what we worship. So who or what are you worshipping? Are you becoming more Christ-like or more like something else? Is there someone / something else taking God’s place in your heart? If there is, tell God you’re sorry and learn to do things differently.
By Pastor Kenneth
We are back with the third part of the Devotion series and this time around it’s with Pastor Kenneth!
Pastor Kenneth stressed on the importance of prayer and journaling. If prayer is like talking to God, then like a friend, we also should listen to what God has to say. That is when we spend time with him and allow him to tell us things. And what a privilege it is to hear from God! That is why we keep a journal – to keep track of the things that God has been telling us.
Pastor Kenneth gave us a few pointers on what to do when journaling:
- Get serious – Yup, that’s right. We gotta get serious about hearing from God and not have that attitude of ‘hangat-hangat tahi ayam’ ya. God is serious about speaking into our lives and he’s not going stop half-way, so don’t give-up on him.
- Have faith – Believe that what you are hearing IS from God. (And learn from mistakes sometimes. It's ok!)
- Be patient – Take your time. You will hear from him.
- Share what you’ve received – It’s good to share with others on what you’ve received from God. In that way you can encourage others to also come away to listen to God.
It’s important to listen to God because we want to get it right. We want to receive the right instruction and the right vision. Meditate on God’s word and learn to look at the scriptures from every angle and keep yourself tuned into God. That means thinking of Him and walking on the path he has laid out for us in obedience.
So what are you waiting for? Go get your journals TODAY (if you haven’t already)!!!!