Here's a short summary of what happened for the two days of revolution conference which was on 21st and 22nd august ( thurs and fri ) Here are some videos and shots of the whole thing. One thing I really got to say, if you didn't come for the first two, please come for the last revolution conference party tonight at 6.45pm . PLEASE COME. Sincerely from my heart, if you don't come you're really really missing something out ! I'm not just saying this, but I really mean it JUST COME!!!
This is a stupid video of when two people prepare to take a picture only to find out the camera was set on video settings =.= Look at the background, it's more intriguing haha!
Watch Pastor Sam do his break dance moves !! he was a breakdancer when he was young so he's surprisingly still able to do it! Seriously !! he can do the head spinning thing! Watch watch watch!!
SO LAME RIGHT? All of us were like whut....-.-???? Hahaha anyways, his message was REALLY GOOD. Many many people responded to it including me. Really really you MUST come tomorrow ! Pastor Kenneth will be speaking and you DON'T want to miss out.
Human AYA!
pastor kenneth: OOOOOOO
Most of the teens were in this picture!
guess who's feet? =)
The actsperiment was launched out today ! it contains the songs created by our own very Acts Church Actstreamers!! It only costs RM10 how cheap is that?? But lucky people like Audrey and Ken-Ji who grabbed it from Joel Loi on stage got it for free :P
P.s. GREAT JOB to all the teens who were hosts, booth helpers or any kind of usher for just helping out and ISN'T IT AWESOME? 3/4 of the hosts were all teens!! AMEN!
TN4 had fun time and fruitful time!
0 Comments Published by Justinalee on August 18, 2008 at 11:13 AM.
The Home officially started at 8.30. We had game which was led by Kylie! The title of the game was call ' disease'. The game goes something like this K person have to do one action like
After games we had praise and worship which was led by Justina Lee guitarist was Keith. The songs of that day was All the way and Hosanna. After praise and worship we had our discussion time.
I personally find that the discussion time was fruitful and meaningful. Jill ask us ' when was our turning point where we look back to God again?' so, many teens open up themselves and it was good to hear from their experience and how awesome is God. The next question Jill asked us was ' When was the time where God showed up and show off in our life?' and theres goes the teens sharing again=). And i can see that teens in TN4 were all very serious during discussion time and they really voice out. That time was good. Indescribable with words. Thanks Jill for such a fruitful time.
After sharing, we had communion time was led by Jill. After communion we had food, prepared by Baanu's mom. Thanks! The food was great and wanna thanks Baanu and Priya for opening their house to us. Around 11 we had to go home.Great Homies!. And thanks for coming.
Orang Yang Bersyok Sendiri! =)
copy-and-paste by Cheryl
Hmm.....what happened there???? I actually have no idea... just kidding. Anyway, USJ homes went great last night although many were on Revolution Tour... but we did not stop worshiping and praising God. Besides that, we had a new member. It was awesome!!~~ ^__^
Praise and worship was amazing although we only had a guitar. :)
Games: Simon says (the host of the game lost = Vanessa, so did I during the first round) We then played 'man, ape, girl'. This game is similar to stones, paper, scissors, just with bigger actions. Darren's group kept winning...It was like they could read the other group's mind. How did they do it??? Losers had to drink an "anonymous" drink. Ask Vanessa what she put in. It tasted okay...but the colour didn't. >.<
Discussion/sharing/testimonials were soooooooo touching... hehe. Everyone shared..we went one round for every discussion.
Holy communion was also great..
Food: Donuts!!!!! Keropok!!! Banana something!! Something wrapped in banana leaf!!! Karipap!!! (Thanks to Jared!!!) I shouldn't have eaten my dinner two nights before...
*Sorry for not taking any pictures though.*
That was it from Homes... hehe. Sorry if my post sounded boring...this is my first time posting.
Yes we are lacking of ActsTV crew, so SIGN UP NOW for ActsTV !
2. We hit 60.
YES ! WE HIT 60 !
Yups, we hit the-60-mark at Teenacity ! We are moving out to the Main Sanctuary very soon ! Praise the LORD !!
But let's not just stop here, let's now move to 70, 80, 90, or even 100 !! It's time to fill up the chairs of Main Sanctuary !!! Make Teenacity a place where ALL TEENS OF MALAYSIA belong !
Enjoy your school holiday week and God bless !! ^__^
We have no ice breakers, because takkan you do ice breakers at some restaurant, right..? xD
The attendance was Alvin Keng, Joneil, Chan Tong, Damien and Gilbert. Which is also another boys-only meeting! So basically, we all had boys talk :)
Somehow, we know that our Homes are funny and weird, because we have funny jokers.
None other than Alvin sharing the sermon of Pr Andy entitled "God is Real To Me" ! Pray for God for a miracle on you, and you will experience God is real ! Keep your prayers in faith and God will hear you :)
Also we had no communion T_T ! Special right ? Because our discussion ends at 11.10pm and have no time to do communion. So right after that, closed in prayer and all of us head home. ^__^
P.S : Trust me, it wasn't a boring Homes. It was an interesting Homes ! :D