Some patriotic people wore different clothes =)
Epic was Sue Ann vs Gilbert to finish one roti canai and a cup of Joshua Chu's blended curry concoction.

0.0 it was really gross. There were all kinds of sauces, cili padi, tauchu, nuts,leaves and even durian!???

Gilbert won the Camera!!! First person to win the camera and WOW.
Super duper lucky him!!!

Pak Joneil was the chairman for the day with the mamak theme.
After that, we had Actstream led by Philip Gan ! We all sang You Deserve,God of Wonders and Ku brikan Hidupku. After that, Pastor Andy came up to speak!!
Today was all about the HUNGER.
6 things you do when you're hungry.
-hunger desires
-hunger shouts
-hunger knows
-hunger responds
-hunger hungers
-hunger drives
Then we closed with a few songs and soon everyone had their huddle lite !!
Next week we will no longer have Teenacity in The Crib *sniff*
But we'll have it in the main sanctuary outside !! So let's pack this place up yeah? =)

Woohoooo! Roti Merdeka Contest is this week! In fact, it's happening tomorrow!!! Tomorrow will also be our last service in the Crib before moving out to the Main Sanctuary. *awww* Do come and dress "Malaysian", traditional costumes and if you're feeling patriotic, bring flags!! See you tomorrow at 4.45pm for Pre Service Prayer!
all 3 have pictures because one album in facebook = maximum 60 pictures.
So you do the math about how many pictures there are..the 3rd album has around 20 something pictures..altogether its around 140 pictures =) ENJOY.
Gudnight =D
Just now it was the last night of revolution conference 2008 and more than 250 people arrived! There was great food, great worship and of course a superb message. Many people just surrendered to God and there were 5 people who accepted Christ!!
Those who didn't come, seriously missed out big time !! To me..a revolution really really happened and I'm not just saying this. Okay, I videotaped the whole dance by lightbulb !!! BUT..............it's 102 MB and it's kinda impossible to upload it so SORRY. Unless you really want it, you can pass me your pendrive or something then I can suck it up for you. Here's some pictures from the conference!
All eating lunch as quickly as possible as only half an hour was left !!
Winners of Starbucks RM10 voucher. Game - to differentiate two cups of coffee which was the Starbucks one. In the end =.= both of the cups were the normal brand and none were starbucks but we got the voucher anyway!
emo people all didn't know what to do during the break so we sat on the hotel floor near the lift haha!
MC's for the night! David and Joel!! They were giving out loads of freebies! Badges,t-shirts,CDs and even a rubber ducky!
frozen up actstream! Haha Anyways, It was really a blast and those who didn't get to go, please do order the MTG's..because they're REALLY REALLY worth it! The messages were really awesome! More pictures to come..will be uploaded real soon!