Once upon a time, there was a young man who has a rich father. Being a bright and intelligent student, he graduated from a prestigious university with flying colours. The young man's father was very proud of his son indeed.

To the young man's astonishment, the only thing that he saw in that beautiful box was a leather-bound Bible with his name embossed on it. The son shouted at his father and threw the Bible so hard on the ground, saying: "I cannot believe that you gave me this!" In rage, the young son turned and walked out of his father's room, leaving the old man to hurt by himself. And the young man never came home since then.

Dad must he rather old now, thought the young man to himself. He also recalled the moment where he left his father's house, angered, just because the young man did not get as he wished. The young man felt bad for his immature action, and decided to visit his aged father. Just as he was all set to go, he received a phone call from the hospital, saying that his father had passed away.

At that time, it was a tradition for the children of rich families to get a car when they graduate, as a symbol of freedom and adulthood. The young man already had in mind the car of his dreams: A silver Ferrari F 430 with the innovatively designed front spoiler that would turn heads around. His father knew of his son's desire, and the young man knew that his father could afford it.

One day after the young man's graduation, the father of the young man called his son into his study room. As he walked to the room, the young man was excited while thinking to himself: Finally, my dream car! When his son came in, the father began to congratulate him for his brilliant achievement.
The son got a little impatient and asked his father: "Dad, thanks for your words of praise. Where's the car that you got me?" Hearing this, the young man's father took out a nicely-wrapped box and gave it to his son.

The young man was thrilled. What's in the box, he wondered. The car key to his dream car? The official ownership certificate of his Ferrari F 430? An authorised pay cheque for the purchase of his car?

As the years went by, the young man became a successful businessman just like his father. He became prosperous and famous, married the love of his life and had children. Of course, he also got his Ferrari F 430, and even upgraded it just to show that he could afford it just like his father. On a fine day after many years, the young man, now in his forties, was reminiscing of his past, looking back at how successful he was in everything he did. Then, out of the blue, the young man thought about his father.

The young man was in grief as he was not able to ask for forgiveness from his father. When the young man returned to his father's house, he visited every room in the mansion, including his father's study room.

As he entered, he noticed the same nicely-wrapped box his father gave him, sitting on the writing desk. The young man opened the box, like he did years ago, and saw the same Bible with his name on it. He flipped through the pages of the Bible, not knowing what to expect. Then, he saw it.
The car key and the certificate to his desired car was right before his eyes. Along with those was a note written by his father saying,
This is the day that you will obtain your freedom and go on your journey of being an adult. Life is all about learning, and I pray that as you walk this journey of life, the Word of the Lord will be your guide. As you receive this gift of your desire, may you also receive the gift of the Lord, which will never pass away. Congratulations, my son. I love you.
The young man could only weep as he read the note. How he wished he could turn back time, to return to that moment and not turn away from his father, and be appreciative of what his father gave him - the Bible.

If only he could, but he couldn't.
* * *
Don't let things pass your way now, only to regret it later in life. I once read a quote saying, "Even God cannot change the past." But be of good cheer, for God always has a future for you. Make the right choice so that you will not live in grief.
Yes, it is impossible to live a life without regrets. But for the things that you can control, do the right thing. Have you ever missed God's blessings for your life? God's blessings may not look shiny like the silver Ferrari F 430, but sometimes the key is just right inside the Bible.
Please, don't sell your destiny for a bowl of soup.