Sorry for the very late update..but I finally succeeded to upload some pictures!!
Everyone was dressed up..crazily! aprons..there was a crossdresser :P...mismatched shoes..freaky looking was really awesome! The day started out with the actspresso which was Chipster along with Root Beer! Then there was the EPIC GAMES... Today was all about the PAIN

the apron group! =) we didn't plan anything till we saw on that day that everyone was wearing an apron =.=

Yi Wei came out as the new member of epic having the latest fashion of CLOTHESPEGS all over her face. So yeah the game was one guy and one girl along would have 3 people putting as many clothespegs all over their face and the most would win BUT..that guy and girl has to stand in two buckets of pure ice water..more of the ice.. so it made their feet super red and painful!

Then the winner was KYLIE MIAOW ! She too was the craziest of all the should have seen what she wore !!

Even more the reason for you to visit my facebook albums =P.. So then after that we had actsream come up! Today was an all Acts songs was Bigger, Found In You and One Thing..all written by actstream people! Joel led us and it was awesome!

Nenek Soh was the chairwoman for the day =)
Then after that, we had communion as well as tithes and offerings done by Cheryl and an awesome testimony by Arthur about what happened at his Klang Rally lately about how God just brought the people in all of a sudden and there was a congregation of 1500 PEOPLE !! how awesome is that???

Then we had the as usual crazy Prandy up!!! WOOO...Today's topic was.... ARE YOU CRAZY???? Wow =P what a title! Few things he said..Are You M.A.D?
Faith + courage + risk = craziness!
Few of the quotes he showed us,
1) Faith is to believe what we can't see and the reward of faith is to see what we believe
2) Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared
3) A calm sea does not produce a good sailor
It was a really fun message =)..and then after that, we had homes lite! Homes will be on the 3rd week of this month because the 2nd week is 8.8.08! where most of you would want to watch the Homes will be on the 3rd week instead !! yippee!
Today, crazy day, next = weirdo day =.= what's going to happen in the future?? BE WEIRD NEXT WEEK =D
for more pictures of crazy day, go to
Everyone was dressed up..crazily! aprons..there was a crossdresser :P...mismatched shoes..freaky looking was really awesome! The day started out with the actspresso which was Chipster along with Root Beer! Then there was the EPIC GAMES... Today was all about the PAIN

the apron group! =) we didn't plan anything till we saw on that day that everyone was wearing an apron =.=

Yi Wei came out as the new member of epic having the latest fashion of CLOTHESPEGS all over her face. So yeah the game was one guy and one girl along would have 3 people putting as many clothespegs all over their face and the most would win BUT..that guy and girl has to stand in two buckets of pure ice water..more of the ice.. so it made their feet super red and painful!

Then the winner was KYLIE MIAOW ! She too was the craziest of all the should have seen what she wore !!

Even more the reason for you to visit my facebook albums =P.. So then after that we had actsream come up! Today was an all Acts songs was Bigger, Found In You and One Thing..all written by actstream people! Joel led us and it was awesome!

Nenek Soh was the chairwoman for the day =)
Then after that, we had communion as well as tithes and offerings done by Cheryl and an awesome testimony by Arthur about what happened at his Klang Rally lately about how God just brought the people in all of a sudden and there was a congregation of 1500 PEOPLE !! how awesome is that???

Then we had the as usual crazy Prandy up!!! WOOO...Today's topic was.... ARE YOU CRAZY???? Wow =P what a title! Few things he said..Are You M.A.D?
Faith + courage + risk = craziness!
Few of the quotes he showed us,
1) Faith is to believe what we can't see and the reward of faith is to see what we believe
2) Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared
3) A calm sea does not produce a good sailor
It was a really fun message =)..and then after that, we had homes lite! Homes will be on the 3rd week of this month because the 2nd week is 8.8.08! where most of you would want to watch the Homes will be on the 3rd week instead !! yippee!
Today, crazy day, next = weirdo day =.= what's going to happen in the future?? BE WEIRD NEXT WEEK =D
for more pictures of crazy day, go to
Are you the craziest teen in Teenacity? Come this week with your wackiest get up and find out!