WARNING WARNING! alot of pictures! therefore, I made them small! =)

bun buns (baanu) were served today =) !

not so frenly host ? hahaha

random joneil :D

chairman gone wild? hahaha!
Army of three came to perform today!!!

Find the Army of Three wannabe inside =)

Teenacity hit 60 people today !! BELIEVE IT :O we're moving out soon yeay!
Epic had a screamo contest today and we had yi wei,cassandra from the girls and yong pin and Jian Chong from the guys

yi wei screaming it out

bun buns (baanu) were served today =) !

not so frenly host ? hahaha

random joneil :D

chairman gone wild? hahaha!
Army of three came to perform today!!!

Find the Army of Three wannabe inside =)

Teenacity hit 60 people today !! BELIEVE IT :O we're moving out soon yeay!
Epic had a screamo contest today and we had yi wei,cassandra from the girls and yong pin and Jian Chong from the guys

yi wei screaming it out
Yong Pin won a nike bag and it ain't fake I tell you!
Cassandra won a RM50 TopShop Voucher
Yi Wei won a bottle of sprite
Today's prizes were just WOW!! first time so many great prizes were won! Then we had Actstream led by Wee Liem! Tithes and Offerings by Justina..and also the first ever teenacity video by Acts TV acted out by Darren and Chan Tong in their school uniform !! (school spirit wei!) and the video was filmed at their SCHOOL!! and then the message by...

Few pointers from her message, let God interrupt your life =)..If God hasn't made a miracle happen in your life yet, pray for it! When we pray, God leads. All of us should be different in God and not in the world. Most importantly, deepen your relationship with God and ask your self, " are you pleasing God? " The message was a really powerful message, many people went out to the altar and were prayed for. After everything, we had a nice dinner and had huddle max =)
P.s. remember that next week we do not have Teenacity!! ( say aww )
but also remember that there is revolution conference from Thursday - Saturday ( 21 - 23 Aug ) at Acts Church. on Thursday it's a night concert (starts at 8pm) while Friday and Saturday are two full days of pure FUNN! So remember if you haven't paid up, tomorrow is the closing date ( sunday ) it's only RM20 and you'll get a limited revolution badge which is the entrance pass ! so don't lose it!!
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