Weeeeee~~ TN1 combined with TN2 for outing last night!!! We went for bowling in Bukit Jalil Club and Resort(the name is something like that). Whatever it is.. Anyway, we went with 3 cars, 1st car with Pr Andy, Yong Pin, Mun Teng, Yong Jin and Cheryl; 2nd car with Brian's family and Robin; and the 3rd car is with Joel V, Jo Ben, Su Ann and Kar Men. But unfortunately, as we reached Bukit Jalil around 9pm, Joel V and fellows can't make it for bowling anymore cause Su Ann have to reach back home by 10pm. So that left us with 7 people, Pr Andy, Yong Pin, Mun Teng, Yong Jin, Robin, Brian and Cheryl. (And Jay! She was late)
We booked 2 lanes, and we had 2 games. Pr Andy keep getting strike, and for the others, strike and spare, here and there. (woot! it rhymes! =P) At last, Pr Andy got the highest score, which is 116 for the 1st game and 110 for the 2nd game. Pro!!
We went for mamak after bowling. Then we head home at 11.30 after eating. Overall, it was fun! We should go for bowling the next time as well.
P/S: A big THANK YOU to Uncle Brandon(Brian's dad) as he paid for the bowling game for all of us!! Thank you so so much!!! =)
PP/S: Pictures to be up soon! Stay tuned..... =D
PPP/S: Sorry for the font colour!
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