TN4- PJ Homes Outing(:

u Heyy!! Wow, time passes soo fast huh? We had our TN4 Homes outing yesterday. We did BBQ. There were 20 of us and 5 new comers . There were 12 girls:: Baanu , Priya ,Justina , Su Anne , Dr Jill Ho , Wernie , Kylie, Chritstina, Cassandra, Vivian* Yenteng* Timmy* ShiJing* and Maggi*. There were 6 guys:: Philip , Nikki , Justin, Kenji, Enrico and Jason. So , the outing started at 8. We had alottts of funs. There were people crapping around , telling lame jokes, played some games , BBQ-ing.

Lets start with the BBQ. Hmmm,it was quite funny where it came to a point knowing that most of us do not know how to put the 'stick' into the chicken. Jill, thanks her for bbq-ing the sausages and fish ball it was awesome=D But the person with the most hard work was Nikki Lee Jackson!! Wow, he was standing there bbqing the chicken wing for the half of the night for us and it tasted A-W-E-S-O-M-E!! Until it came to games. We played Honey Honey I Love You 1st. The game goes you have to say 'Honey Honey i love you , will you marry me?' to a person.But then the 'victim' gotta try their best not to laugh or smile and say ' Honey i dont love you'.

Justina:: Honey Honey i lvoe you, will you marry me?
Kenji.:: Never!( serious face)
Justinaa:: I love you wor...
Kenji:: Honey i dont love you( serious face)
Justinaa:: You know wat?
Kenji:: Wat?
Justinaa:: Actually Justina Yap doesnt sounds that bad.
Kenji:: Wat?!! Hahhahahahaah!!

Next Game Pepsi-colaa. It goes something like all of us have to stand in a circle then we gotta try our best to step on other parties leg by using one step at a time. Soo, it was fun. Lotts of laughter and screaming. We played two rounds, winner for 1st round was Timmy ; Second round was Yenteng.

After pepsi-colaa, we were all quite tired so we rested, chit-chat then Balik.

Thanks to the people that attended Homes!! Hope you enjoy yourself and Hope to see you soon!!=D And adults for sacrificing their time, petrol and energy to make this outing a success

Pictures will be outt soon!! very soon.

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