Here's a quick report on what happened at...TN1 (ss14) at Mun Teng's house !! First we had our games done by the really really evil...

Joben!!! :D He passed to us each a sheet of a4 paper..with instructions written on it..he just asked us to read it and do whatever it said..and who finishes it first wins..and this is how it goes
1) Draw 100 circles
2) Hit 3 people and say "I love you"
3) What is 3 + 8 x 11 + 208 / 4 ?
4) Go to the game master and sing twinkle twinkle little star
5) Hop around 20 times
6) Shake the host's mother's hand
7) What is 4 x 8 ?
8) How many animals did Moses bring into the ark?
9) Who sang how to touch a girl ?
10) Draw a slach on each of the circles.
11) Give everybody here a high five
12) Write down atleast 3 verses that talks about offering
13) Ask the game master for something.
14) what is 80 x 6 + 10?
15) Please do only numbers 4,6,8, 11 and 20. ( this was when we fainted )
16) What is the name of Adam and Eve's grandchildren.
17) Ask for 3 peoples signature
18) Draw 50 triangles
19) Draw 60 hearts
20) How old is Mun Teng?
Well we all went 'ARGHHHH' once we read number 15.. Funniest thing was..Yong Jin didn't understand number 15 and continued doing it till he finished!!! Then we had praise and worship led by MUN TENG! Audrey on the piano and Yong Pin on the drums :) She sang God is Great and So Much More!
After the praise and worship, we had the message done by Joel which was a short recap of the messages we heard in camp about Revolution..and then we all thought of one thing that we HAVEN'T done before..and put ourselves to a test to try and do it..And I tell you..Mun Hsing is SO adorable..the moment she read a part of a scripture..her voice made us all go "awww"..both Mun Hsing and Mun Cheng are the same!!! Can you imagine how Mun Teng was when she was their age o.o?
After that we had communion also done by Joel..The ribena was fresh from the...Petrol station :O..( we bought the ready made one ^^ ) Then after that we had refreshments !

nuggets and putumayam with coconut and brown sugar :O..and tam tam snacks ! Then before we headed home we took a final group picture !!

Mun Teng,Su Ann,Joben,Yong Pin,Joel,Yong Jin,Mun Hsing,Audrey,Mun Cheng and Tracy!
Joben!!! :D He passed to us each a sheet of a4 paper..with instructions written on it..he just asked us to read it and do whatever it said..and who finishes it first wins..and this is how it goes
1) Draw 100 circles
2) Hit 3 people and say "I love you"
3) What is 3 + 8 x 11 + 208 / 4 ?
4) Go to the game master and sing twinkle twinkle little star
5) Hop around 20 times
6) Shake the host's mother's hand
7) What is 4 x 8 ?
8) How many animals did Moses bring into the ark?
9) Who sang how to touch a girl ?
10) Draw a slach on each of the circles.
11) Give everybody here a high five
12) Write down atleast 3 verses that talks about offering
13) Ask the game master for something.
14) what is 80 x 6 + 10?
15) Please do only numbers 4,6,8, 11 and 20. ( this was when we fainted )
16) What is the name of Adam and Eve's grandchildren.
17) Ask for 3 peoples signature
18) Draw 50 triangles
19) Draw 60 hearts
20) How old is Mun Teng?
Well we all went 'ARGHHHH' once we read number 15.. Funniest thing was..Yong Jin didn't understand number 15 and continued doing it till he finished!!! Then we had praise and worship led by MUN TENG! Audrey on the piano and Yong Pin on the drums :) She sang God is Great and So Much More!
After the praise and worship, we had the message done by Joel which was a short recap of the messages we heard in camp about Revolution..and then we all thought of one thing that we HAVEN'T done before..and put ourselves to a test to try and do it..And I tell you..Mun Hsing is SO adorable..the moment she read a part of a scripture..her voice made us all go "awww"..both Mun Hsing and Mun Cheng are the same!!! Can you imagine how Mun Teng was when she was their age o.o?
After that we had communion also done by Joel..The ribena was fresh from the...Petrol station :O..( we bought the ready made one ^^ ) Then after that we had refreshments !
nuggets and putumayam with coconut and brown sugar :O..and tam tam snacks ! Then before we headed home we took a final group picture !!
Mun Teng,Su Ann,Joben,Yong Pin,Joel,Yong Jin,Mun Hsing,Audrey,Mun Cheng and Tracy!
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