Teenacity started as usual with Actspresso done by The Ling sisters ! which was cut up baguettes dipped into mushroom soup..:) It was mushylicious! and then it was..EPIC TIMEEEEEEEE

Who wants to save the sofa?? That was the game today..it has the same concept as "who wants to be a millionaire" So..we were divided into four groups ..and we had to "save" the sofa from being thrown out..there were 5 questions to be answered one per group and for every question answered, one item from the sofa could be saved

But first, we heard two heartbreaking stories from the one and only JJ! Which was Jeremy and Justina!!.They told of the wonderful memoirs that they had with the sofa..how the sofa kept them comforted in their time of need...Quoted by Jeremy
" when I first came to Teenacity..I didn't look at the guys..I didn't look at the girls..but I fell in love with the sofa "
1) one pillow
2) the second pillow
3) sofa frame
4) sofa cushion
were the "parts" of the sofa to be saved. Every group answered correctly until the LAST question!! Which we got it wrong..and we lost the sofa cushion!!! Oh noo!!! but wait, there's the BONUS question..where one person from the crowd (wendy) had to answer the main quesion..and it was..
Who wrote 2 Corinthians? and she answered correctly = PAUL!!
But here's the catch, she could either save the sofa cushion..or get to have 6 draws out of the lucky draw table..and she chose the 6 draws!! What's going to happen to the cushion?? She won
-a RM10 digi reload
-milo packet
-johnsons baby shower gel
-and two more which I forgot

Then we had Actstream led by Philip !! We sang Forever,All The Way and Found in You!!! Then we had Tithes and Offerings and Audrey came up and gave her testimony which was about how God blessed her when she heard Alvin's testimony last week ( refer to last weeks post ) and she too did the same and gave her RM50 and not her RM1 that was left in her wallet and she was not blessed once by God but thrice throughout the week!!
Who wants to save the sofa?? That was the game today..it has the same concept as "who wants to be a millionaire" So..we were divided into four groups ..and we had to "save" the sofa from being thrown out..there were 5 questions to be answered one per group and for every question answered, one item from the sofa could be saved
But first, we heard two heartbreaking stories from the one and only JJ! Which was Jeremy and Justina!!.They told of the wonderful memoirs that they had with the sofa..how the sofa kept them comforted in their time of need...Quoted by Jeremy
" when I first came to Teenacity..I didn't look at the guys..I didn't look at the girls..but I fell in love with the sofa "
1) one pillow
2) the second pillow
3) sofa frame
4) sofa cushion
were the "parts" of the sofa to be saved. Every group answered correctly until the LAST question!! Which we got it wrong..and we lost the sofa cushion!!! Oh noo!!! but wait, there's the BONUS question..where one person from the crowd (wendy) had to answer the main quesion..and it was..
Who wrote 2 Corinthians? and she answered correctly = PAUL!!
But here's the catch, she could either save the sofa cushion..or get to have 6 draws out of the lucky draw table..and she chose the 6 draws!! What's going to happen to the cushion?? She won
-a RM10 digi reload
-milo packet
-johnsons baby shower gel
-and two more which I forgot
Then we had Actstream led by Philip !! We sang Forever,All The Way and Found in You!!! Then we had Tithes and Offerings and Audrey came up and gave her testimony which was about how God blessed her when she heard Alvin's testimony last week ( refer to last weeks post ) and she too did the same and gave her RM50 and not her RM1 that was left in her wallet and she was not blessed once by God but thrice throughout the week!!
Then,Pastor Matt 0' Sullivan came up to preach the message!! I'll cut his message short by saying..Each and everyone of us are masterpieces made by God and we're a beautiful work of art! We are not average because we are WAY better than average!! Lastly, three very important things to help you build something that can last is
-go to God
-listen to God
-obey God
Then after his message ended, we had huddle lite and soon went home..Remember next week is
SPREAD THE RED !! Day and EVERYONE must wear as much red on yourself as possible..Red shoes..red shirt..red underwear if you have to ! The person with the most red on his/herself will win a prize!! So lets all be RED :O
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