Worship was led by Philip and Jay was the chairwoman for the day. Today there were some birthdays for the week such as Inkkie, Damien, Tze Lin and more..:)

Pastor Andy's title for the day was "HOLD ON: The Value of Your Faith"
- Hebrews 11
- Faith is powerful. By faith, we can do great things!
- With faith the size of a mustard seed, we can move mountains! (Matthew 17:20)
- Nothing supernatural happens without faith
- Our faith is precious and very valuable!
- The devil is more interested in stealing, killing, destroying your faith than anything else!
- The enemy will throw fear, pride, offenses, and even success at us to cause us to abandon our faith!
- Live by faith, and not just by facts (sight)
- The enemy can take your finance, fame, friends, food, fun, etc... but don't let him take your faith!
- Hold on to your faith, no matter what!
- Faith is a choice, a commitment.
- We can build & strengthen our faith through:
a) The Word of God (Reading, studying, memorizing, applying)
b) Prayer & Worship (including praying in the Spirit - tongues)
c ) The Prophetic (Rhema)
d ) Exercise - Faith without works is dead!
After the message, we had Huddle Max and Pink celebrated Inkkie's birthday!

The princess for the day !

Pastor Andy's title for the day was "HOLD ON: The Value of Your Faith"
- Hebrews 11
- Faith is powerful. By faith, we can do great things!
- With faith the size of a mustard seed, we can move mountains! (Matthew 17:20)
- Nothing supernatural happens without faith
- Our faith is precious and very valuable!
- The devil is more interested in stealing, killing, destroying your faith than anything else!
- The enemy will throw fear, pride, offenses, and even success at us to cause us to abandon our faith!
- Live by faith, and not just by facts (sight)
- The enemy can take your finance, fame, friends, food, fun, etc... but don't let him take your faith!
- Hold on to your faith, no matter what!
- Faith is a choice, a commitment.
- We can build & strengthen our faith through:
a) The Word of God (Reading, studying, memorizing, applying)
b) Prayer & Worship (including praying in the Spirit - tongues)
c ) The Prophetic (Rhema)
d ) Exercise - Faith without works is dead!
After the message, we had Huddle Max and Pink celebrated Inkkie's birthday!

The princess for the day !
Some Pinkies
More Pinkies
All pinkies :)
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