It's Homes Party once again! I bet all of you know, the theme is ISLAND ESCAPADE : HAWAII! Homes Party started at 8.20, with the own-hand-make pizza first! Chef Joshua taught us how to make our own pizza, and boy, it was as awesome as the normal ones! We also had pizzas that were made by Justina's dad *applause applause*, fried pineapple rice by Aunty Mag (Amanda and Avryl's mom), and fried chicken by Aunty Indra (Syameer's mom).
Then it was time for EPIC, handled by Gyllen and Brian. We had our four finalist for the Mr and Ms Hawaii contest, which is Charlotte, Bianca, Sean and Benjamin Koo. They had to do the limbo! And to make things harder, each of them are required to bite a pen, in upright position. Final result, Bianca is given the title of Ms Hawaii, while Benjamin Koo is the Mr Hawaii. For winning this wonderful game, Bianca got herself a wonderful and colourful umbrella, while Ben got a colourful hoola-hoop.
Had Praise & Worship later on, with Pastor Andy worship leading and Brian as the guitarist. We sang Found in You and MengenalMu Tuhan. Cool eh? ;)

The main points for the Word today are,
1) The importance of the Word of God
2) What the Bible say the Word of God is
3) Building of Faith
And since our birthday babes, Ingrid and Robin couldn't make it for the Homes Party, we did not celebrate any birthday. Or at least, we sang the birthday song and wished the birthday cake itself happy birthday. Super syok-sendiri right? =P
With that, Homes Party ended with a BANG!
Some final updates. TN2 and TN3 has officially started the Christmas Community Project! We've visited some families in Angsana Flats, and managed to note down what they need, and we're going to get it for them! We're delivering the items to them this Sunday, by hand. Hope that this will bless them, and of course enabling them to have a wonderful Christmas!
Also, the next Home Party is on the 28th of Nov, with the theme ISLAND ESCAPADE : PENANG! Do mark your calendar!
Then it was time for EPIC, handled by Gyllen and Brian. We had our four finalist for the Mr and Ms Hawaii contest, which is Charlotte, Bianca, Sean and Benjamin Koo. They had to do the limbo! And to make things harder, each of them are required to bite a pen, in upright position. Final result, Bianca is given the title of Ms Hawaii, while Benjamin Koo is the Mr Hawaii. For winning this wonderful game, Bianca got herself a wonderful and colourful umbrella, while Ben got a colourful hoola-hoop.
Had Praise & Worship later on, with Pastor Andy worship leading and Brian as the guitarist. We sang Found in You and MengenalMu Tuhan. Cool eh? ;)
The main points for the Word today are,
1) The importance of the Word of God
2) What the Bible say the Word of God is
3) Building of Faith
And since our birthday babes, Ingrid and Robin couldn't make it for the Homes Party, we did not celebrate any birthday. Or at least, we sang the birthday song and wished the birthday cake itself happy birthday. Super syok-sendiri right? =P
With that, Homes Party ended with a BANG!
Some final updates. TN2 and TN3 has officially started the Christmas Community Project! We've visited some families in Angsana Flats, and managed to note down what they need, and we're going to get it for them! We're delivering the items to them this Sunday, by hand. Hope that this will bless them, and of course enabling them to have a wonderful Christmas!
Also, the next Home Party is on the 28th of Nov, with the theme ISLAND ESCAPADE : PENANG! Do mark your calendar!
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