Revolution Conference 2009 just ended up with a bang and here's a summarised version about what you people out there MISSED OUT! There were limited edition button badges, t-shirts, stickers being sold out to everyone for a very very cheap price! Rm1 for badges and stickers ! RM25 per tee.
There were many speakers that spoke throughout those 3 days such as Pr Andy, Pr Sandra, Pr Alex, Pr Kenneth and Elder Kien Yiak.
Pastor Sam also came to speak on the second day of the conference and his message title was probably the most intriguing one, 'RATS DON'T BURP'.
Next time you wanna kill the rats in your house, leave little cups of coke on the floor and see what happens the next morning.
On the third day, during the second session it was a talk show run by Pr Kenneth sort of interviewing these people above about what they went through and all their testimonies from A-Z
It ended off with a short dialogue between Eunice Pui (as Amanda) and Pr Andy (as Uncle Guard). It was based on what truly happened in SMK USJ 13 that Amanda Ooi led the Uncle Guard in the school to Christ!
Then the interesting activity happened after that. We were required to go out into the Summit mall, walk up to a total stranger and do something. All the teens were separated into groups of three and prayed individually to the Holy Spirit to ask guidance about the
a)description of the person (etc. clothes, where they are)
b)what to do to/for the person (etc. say God loves you)
After everything, there were amazing testimonies coming back from every group, it seemed that the person we prayed about were either exactly as our description was or almost. All of us were really amazed and shocked about what we saw with our own two eyes.
Like for instance, my own description that I got from the Holy Spirit was,
"a malay guy, wearing a cap, smoking, outside starbucks"
So just gave it a shot, and yeah I saw a table of four guys and two of them were smoking, they were malays and one wore a cap sitting outside Starbucks!! I was really amazed. So yeah, I went up to them and told them about the Revolution Conference and the concert later. Their response? The malay guys were eager to come! And they even asked if they could bring friends!!
True enough, they showed up and sat right infront of me.
Then the concert started and there was a dance performance by Lightbulb Productions and from what I saw, they practised really hard as their efforts were obviously seen.
Then, Pr Kenneth showed us a video about revivals happening in many different places and what they went through and continued his message about REVIVAL.
7 things to expect from a revival
a) It comes within a sense of Reality
b) Response will come
c) Repentance will follow after
d) Radical commitments will be made
e) Revolution will come
f) Reach out
g) Reproduce
Tons of people were falling on their knees at the altar. Many people were just surrendering without a doubt and you could just feel the Holy Spirit moving in the place. The Revolution Conference 2009 definitely ended in an explosion. =)
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