Today was a revolutionary day ! Why you ask !?
Thre were THREE homes gathered at one home party.
TN1 (SJ) , TN4 (PJ) and TN5 (KK) gathered at Mun Teng's house (SS14)

The food was FAB. We had turkey with stuffing. Mashed potatoes. Mee. Drinks. Chicken. and much more. Thank you Jimmy for the TURKEH! We had 5 new comers today!
-Huey Ling
-Su Cheok

ALVIN trying to be cool.
We had a time of Epic conducted by Jeremy and Audrey! We were separated into three teams and each team were to pick a representative to become the LIVING CHRISTMAS TREE.
1. Very Happy Lil' Mama Tree
2. Lil' Mama T
2. Lil' Mama T
3. Happy Tree Friends
Then we had a short catwalk by the christmas trees.

After a time of worship led by Joben as we sang Felix Navidad and Heart of Worship, Dr. Jill shared the word about LIFE. and LIFE more abundantly :)
Then we had the christmas gift exchange program and there were so many times of gifts from
chocolates to books to an I.O.U Note !?

After that, we had the birthday babes!
Ms. before christmas Szen Li (24 Dec)
Mr. after christmas Keith (26 Dec)
We had the most crowded homes EVER. It was really really awesome and as this is the last homes party of 2008. It certainly ended with a BANG!! Tomorrow it will be our LAST saturday evening service of 2008 (insert sobs here). PLEASE COME because you so do not wanna miss it :)
More photos to be put on my facebook (Audrey).
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