As usual, it stared out wiht Actstream led by Joel..we had a wonderful time of worship..and we also prayed for the teens who are going to take their SPM on 11th of November such as Shaun,Yi Wei,Phui Yi,Joneil,Darren,Baanu,Keith..etc !

Then Pastor Andy was the chairman for the day! After some announcements, we had ActsTV presented by Leona and Pastor Andy! After that, we had Pastor Kenneth to speak about FAITH.

Then Pastor Andy was the chairman for the day! After some announcements, we had ActsTV presented by Leona and Pastor Andy! After that, we had Pastor Kenneth to speak about FAITH.
taken from 1 Kings 17. As christians, we should live by faith and not by sight and opportunities are actually disguised as problems. So the next time you face a problem, think of it as an opportunity instead. Faith shines in the darkest hour. Gd allows us to get stuck so that we'll seek him instead.
We're either going to get an opportunity, already in an opportunity or getting out of an opportunity. He sets us up for a miracle to happen. Faith = Trust = Dependancy.
We need to let go of what we're depending on to be able to depend on God. Most importantly, remember to put God First in everything :)
Remember that Homes party is not on the 7th November as most people are confused. Homes Party is on the 14th!
Also remember that 8th November there will be no Saturday Evening Service ( Teenacity ).
and...AYA AWARDS 2008 will be at KLPAC on the 9th November!!
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