Jay was the chairwoman for the day :) After watching the ActsTV video done by Pastor Andy and Jason, we had tithes and offerings followed by a testimony by...

Kuan Cheen!!
Yeah, he had a testimony on how through a car crash he was able to invite someone to church, and that someone came to church and brought a friend! and the following he brought another friend!

Pastor Sandra spoke about Maturity today.
- We should constantly hunger for more and more of God
- We must be able to let go of ourselves
- We need to allow others who are more mature spiritually to guide us
After the message, we had Huddle Max!!

We had fried rice with fried egg on top :D
OILY but yummy =).

The revolutionistas who sat on the floor instead of chairs
WOO go Pink :D
Homes Party on again this coming Friday (October 24th)
Remember to contact your homes leaders for transportation!!
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