Teenacity was on as usual on the 3rd of May..due to a website problem that's why the post is out late. Anyways, first we had refreshments and we had nacho chips with a dip! Then it was EPIC time !!!! The whole table of gifts came out..
Baanu modelled the hidden digital camera in that shiny golden box :O
Then 5 girls and 5 guys were called up to play..and as usual we had questions !
First question was..to draw as many animals that God told Peter to kill and eat..
this was the result drawn by Audrey in one minute
this was the result drawn by Audrey in one minute
But since the Bible says "4 legged" and "birds of the air" most of them were not counted =)
Syameer was able to draw 3 correct animals.
The next question was a IQ question.."If you put bleach with Coke will the Coke change colour?"
Here's the result for you. It looks like petrol!! Anyone wanna try it =P?
Then there was a physical challenge...Yi Wei was required to carry one plastic chair per hand while Keith was to carry two per hand to make things fair. They were supposed to hold their hands straight to the side and the person who bends first loses..Keith lost ! haha
Then there was a word competition..there would be 5 words on the screen and Chan Tong and May Chen had to say all the words above in a story which was logical. In the end Chan Tong won..his 5 words included fridge,elephant,jungle,plane and another which I forgot..
The bonus round this time was the amount of Bibles owned by the Girls and Guys and the girls had 20 !! while the boys had 14!! In the end, this was the final score!!
Guys now have 45 and girls have 50 ! Lets see who will be in the lead THIS Saturday!!
Then it was time for Actstream..Philip led the band and sang In love with you, Bigger and In Awe which was a new song..after that Shaun came up to talk as he was the chairman and invited Dr. Jill to come and give the message!
Her message for the day was To be or not to be...a grasshopper? First she called up Joben,May Chen and Bryan Lee to do something. Which was..Joben was to pose while May Chen and Joben tried to draw him
Joben trying to hold still patiently while they attempted to draw him
A closer look at Joben !! Doesn't he look so awesome?!
I know it's not really clear but this was BRYAN'S version of Joben..can you see the little leaf at the bottom o.o? Hahahaha yeah it was hilarious. Dr. Jill based her message on Numbers 13. Then she categorised the story into three parts.
1) Truth
2) Fact
3) Bluff
Don't understand why? It's because It was a fact that there was milk and honey in the promised land and a bluff that there were giants there but the truth was that we are able to overcome anything through Christ Jesus our Lord. Then after the message, we had our first ever Homes Lite to discuss what to do during our first Homes meeting which will be this Friday (9th May) at our respective Homes - TN1,2,3,4,5
Lastly, a little announcement, some people from TN 3 has been shifted to TN1 such as
2)Kah Chun
3)Su Ann
4)Kar Men
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