The Lock-In and Year End Service Picturess:)
2 Comments Published by Justinalee on December 31, 2007 at 5:15 PM.

Look@how philip eat....
Ps andy always look wonder he is taken..LOL

Omg!! Weeliem can flirt

ewwwww....stinky shoe.....*puke*
Philip is sleeping! *shoring like a pig*

Philip! you look sooo good:P

Movie time....

Joben and Inkkie!!!!

Joel Vee Jayy and Inkkiee!!


Arthur and Kenji

Weeliem! *shore*
The 'gang' of gossip...Last day of gossiping

wow.. looks like i missed out lot of fun eh
but Justina, do u have the leaders' permission to post their photos here, i mean those not-so-nice ones. opps.
maybe its a good thing i wasnt there... jk
gossiiiip huh...............................Justina~~~!
ooooops...sorry will post better things if theres a next timeXD