The minute the guys reached her house, they were greeted by the door :)
This was the bookmark yours truly made for them :)
Along with the chocolatey cupcakes with sugary hearts on the top :)
The theme for the night was MEN IN BLACK. Okay fine these are girls.
The guys were treated to a candlelight dinner being served by all the girls and definitely since their guys, there were seconds, thirds, and even fourths.
Fattish guys eating their food flushed down by a cooling drink of sprite :)
If you were wondering what they had for dinner, it was the malaysian nasional NASI LEMAK :D
And the three brothers say, " WE'RE THE DANCERS "
watch Justin Timberlake - We're the Dancers SNL if you don't understsand :D
4 budak seafield bersama pendatang asing :)
The dudes playing it cool.
The dudes. showing their natural colours.

During their dinner, we, the girls had a short presentation for them and we sang for them a song accompanied by the piano, entitled,
It was an old but memorable song and the guys enjoyed their fruit salad after that. As soon as everyone ate, GAMES STARTED!
We all headed outdoors and played,
All the girls would sit on the chairs in a circle and the guys would be behind the girls. Some guys wouldn't have 'wives' thus they have to 'steal' someone elses by WINKING at them. The minute a girl sees a guy wink, she has to run to him instead BUT her current husband would try to keep her by tapping her shoulder before she escapes :D and the game goes on.
The two guys left without a wife in the end were Alvin Keng and Timothy . Their forfeit was to eat bittergourd sandwiches which turned out to be one of Alvin's favourite vegetable -.- SO POTONG STIM.
After that we had praise and worship led by Mun Teng as well as the word after that. Then, we sang a birthday song to Su Ann! And then we resumed eating fattishly and of course, PHOTOTAKING SESSION!

watch Justin Timberlake - We're the Dancers SNL if you don't understsand :D

The taikors wives.

And everyone fights for the taikor, JOANNE, the chairwoman for the day.
At the end, we gave the guys ANOTHER door gift. which was the keychain with funny captions on it. For example, Joel got 'HOT BABE'. Get the point =P?
At the end of the night, all the guys suddenly got out of the house for some big discussion and hurried back in and suddenly they all shouted together,
(awww so sweet that I got diabetes :O)
booooooo other homes.
just joking.
janganlah marah ;)
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